Core Facilities at OSU

Taking a trans-disciplinary approach to addressing the world’s pressing issues, OSU researchers collaborate in three priority areas:

  1. Advancing the Science of Earth Ecosystems
  2. Improving Human Health and Wellness
  3. Promoting Innovation and Economic Prosperity



Research Core Facilities

Research core facilities seek to advance transformative excellence in research and innovation by:

  1. Supporting faculty research success. 
  2. Enabling particular types of research capacities, such as equipment, material, data acquisition, data analysis, consultation or expertise, and/or other services.
  3. Providing access to cutting edge equipment and expertise for small and large business entities.
  4. Creating opportunities for businesses to build synergies and partnerships with faculty.
  5. Providing students with access to tools, capacities, specific training, and projects.
  6. Promoting diversity and inclusion in access and education to research tools and technologies

Advancing the Science of Sustainable Earth Ecosystems

Hatfield Marine Science Center

The Hatfield Marine Science Center is a leading marine laboratory that hosts research and education programs from seven OSU colleges and six state and federal agencies on its 49-acre Newport campus.

Stable Isotope Laboratory

The Stable Isotope Laboratory specilizes in the analysis of natural abundances of C, N, O and H isotopes in a variety of environmental, geological and biological sample types.

Keck Collaboratory for Plasma Spectrometry

The W.M. Keck Collaboratory for Plasma Spectrometry (“Keck Lab”), is a world-class analytical facility specializing in development, application and training in state of the art plasma-based elemental and isotopic analysis techniques for the Earth, Ocean and other sciences. 

Improving Health & Wellness

Center for Quantitative Life Sciences

The Center for Quantitative Life Sciences seeks to improve health, to better use natural and agricultural resources, to understand the global environment, and to develop new bio-based products and energy sources.

Linus Pauling Institute

The Linus Pauling Institute investigates the role of vitamins and essential minerals (micronutrients) and chemicals from plants (phytochemicals) in human aging, immune function, and chronic diseases, especially heart disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases.

Electron Microscopy Facility

The Electron Microscopy Facility at Oregon State University (OSU) is a service facility providing faculty, staff, students, and Industrial collaborators access to electron microscopes and related instrumentation.

Interdisciplinary Mass spectrometry

The OSU Mass Spectrometry Center is a central pillar in the network of interactive research at OSU.

Laboratory Animal Resources Center

The Laboratory Animal Resources Center supports and manages the care and veterinary oversight of vertebrate animals used in instruction, research, and testing at OSU.

Promoting Innovation and Economic Prosperity

Advanced Technology and Manufacturing Institute

ATAMI’s research focus is on advanced materials, processes and manufacturing and very-large-scale Internet of Things. The Institute's mission is to drive economic development in Oregon through research and technology development in new fields originating at OSU.

Radiation Center

The Radiation Center’s specialized experimental and lab facilities, including the Oregon State TRIGA Reactor (OSTR) and thermal hydraulic test facilities, serve the entire Oregon University System as well as other organizations nationally and internationally.