The Center for the Humanities (CCFTH)
Center for Genome Research and Biocomputing (CGRB)
Institute for Water and Watersheds
W.M. Keck Collaboratory for Plasma Spectrometry
Electron Microscopy Center (EMF)
Oregon Climate Change Research Institute
Ambient Pressure Surface Characterization Laboratory
Kiewit Center for Infrastructure and Transportation
Linus Pauling Institute (LPI Core Laboratories)
Micro Computed Tomography (OSU microCT Facility)
O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory
Center for Research on Lifelong STEM Learning (CRLSL)
Sinnhuber Aquatic Research Laboratory
Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting
Hatfield Marine Science Center
Cooperative Institute for Marine Resources Studies
Biomaterials and Biointerfaces Laboratory
Materials Synthesis and Characterization Center (MaSC)
OSU-Benton County Green Stormwater Infrastructure Research (OGSIR) Facility, an Oregon BEST Lab
HJ Andrews Experimental Forest Long-Term Ecological Research
John L Fryer Aquatic Animal Health Laboratory
Oregon State University Advantage
Laboratory Animal Resources Center
Center for Applied Systems & Software
Oregon State University first annual Centers & Institutes/ Facilities Fair - Was a Great Success!!
Followup informaton and a survey will be sent before the end of November.
- Friday, November 16, 2018 -
- 3 pm - 6 pm
- Location: OSU campus - Memorial Union Horizon Room
Please drop by. Attendance to the event is open to all faculty, staff, students, and industry. This is an opportunity for the campus to learn about the research, services, equipment and instrumentation available.
- Increase awareness, usage, and collaborations through our centers, institutes, and facilities.
- Opportunity for centers, institutes, and facilities to let the campus know about resources that will assist faculty, staff, and students in performing their research and attracting more research funds.
- Meet researchers from across campus!
- Create a full inventory of resources – searchable database
Check back for additional information.