Summary of Expenses by Index |
Fiscal Year 2024-2025 |
October |
Unit |
Expenditures |
College of Agriculture |
$27,073,958.14 |
AHC - Hemp Center Ops |
$968,865.77 |
AMM - Marine Mammal Institute Ops |
$874,241.56 |
ASM - Sml Farms Comty Fd Ctr Extn |
$397,678.43 |
ASM - Sml Farms Comty Fd Ctr Ops |
$451,109.96 |
AGA - Research Support |
$47,911.66 |
AAR - Applied Economics Operations |
$873,558.36 |
ABE - Biol & Ecol Engrg Operations |
$634,694.55 |
ABP - Ag Botany and Plant Path Oper |
$3,738,909.88 |
ACM - CAS Chemistry Operations |
$127,594.70 |
ACS - Crop and Soil Sci Extension |
$273,223.32 |
ACS - Crop and Soil Science Oper |
$1,772,675.95 |
AED - General Agriculture Oper |
$20,150.92 |
AFS - Food Sci and Tech Oper |
$1,745,543.62 |
AFW - Fisheries and Wildlife Oper |
$4,305,149.69 |
AHT - Horticulture Extension |
$411,531.31 |
AHT - Horticulture Extn Field Fac |
($14,914.28) |
AHT - Horticulture Operations |
$2,257,152.22 |
AIP - Ag Oregon IPM Cntr Operations |
$256,226.78 |
AMB - Ag Microbiology Operations |
$187,636.67 |
ASC - Animal & Rangeland Scis Extn |
$26,130.31 |
ASC - Animal & Rangeland Scis Ops |
$871,331.23 |
ATX - Envr & Molec Tox Oper |
$1,675,000.68 |
ACB - Colmbia Basin Extension |
$56,038.27 |
ACB - Colmbia Basin Oper |
$556,382.66 |
ACT - Central Oregon Oper |
$203,177.42 |
AEB - EOARC - Burns |
$376,793.31 |
AEU - EOARC - Union |
$150,123.34 |
AFC - Food Innovtn Ctr Exp Sta Ops |
$170,874.93 |
AHE - Hermiston Extension |
$146.56 |
AHE - Hermiston Operations |
$608,726.81 |
AKL - KBREC Operations |
$109,133.41 |
AMA - Malheur Operations |
$230,760.57 |
AMC - Mid-Columbia Oper |
$240,943.74 |
ANW - North Willamette Extension |
$14,437.78 |
ANW - North Willamette Oper |
$463,713.44 |
ASF - COMES - Astoria Oper |
$25,501.17 |
ASF - COMES - Newport Oper |
$1,477,476.63 |
ASU - Southern Oregon Oper |
$263,937.96 |
ASG - Sun Grant Western Center Oper |
$224,386.85 |
College of Business |
$623,761.35 |
BEM - Entrprnrshp/Mgmt/Logistcs Ops |
$254,524.62 |
BFA - Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS Ops |
$235,989.77 |
BUS - General Business Instr |
$85,354.20 |
BUS - Undergraduate Student Dvlpmnt |
$47,892.76 |
College of Liberal Arts |
$1,391,773.78 |
CLA - Reser Ctr Creative Arts Ops |
$4,940.00 |
CLA - Spring Creek Project Ops |
$28,100.90 |
CLA - Deans Office |
$36,576.45 |
CLA - Sch of Lang, Cultr & Soc Ops |
$510,038.58 |
CLA - Sch of Psychological Sci Ops |
$447,418.40 |
CLA - School of Communication Ops |
$11,198.55 |
CLA - School of Hist Phil & Rel Ops |
$979.47 |
CLA - School of Public Policy Ops |
$352,521.43 |
College of Engineering |
$26,251,054.08 |
ECB - Biological Engineering Prgm |
$390,046.09 |
ECB - Chemical Engineering Prgm |
$1,741,234.39 |
ECB - Environmental Engr Prgm |
$950,047.19 |
ECC - Civil Engineering Prgm |
$861,251.96 |
EMM - Industrial/Manufact Engr Prgm |
$2,799,389.83 |
EMM - Mechanical Engineering Prgm |
$3,617,625.01 |
ENG - Deans Office |
$40,728.85 |
EIU - Computational Sci & Engr Ctr |
$1,032,842.87 |
EKC - Kiewit Ctr for Transportation |
$4,752,925.10 |
EKC - Wave Laboratory |
$18,547.72 |
ELS - Pacific Marine Energy Center |
$765,696.94 |
EMS - CDADIC Ctr for Analog/Digital |
$225,444.11 |
ENS - Sch Nuc Sci&Engr Prgm General |
$2,712,725.53 |
ESE - Computer Science Prgm |
$279,834.01 |
ESE - Elect/Comp Engr Prgm |
$6,051,124.74 |
ESE - School Prgm General |
$11,589.74 |
College of Forestry |
$7,152,162.44 |
FOR - Research Support |
$234,965.58 |
FOR - Ext Forestry & Natrl Res Prog |
$147,117.79 |
FOR - FE Forest Engr Prgm |
$2,566,368.59 |
FOR - Forest Ecosystem Sciences Prg |
$3,314,592.57 |
FOR - Wood Sci/Engr Oper |
$636,460.40 |
FOR - TallWood Design Institute Ops |
$252,657.51 |
Graduate School |
$521,604.47 |
GRD - Grad School Special Programs |
$521,604.47 |
College of Public Health and Human Science |
$10,742,277.72 |
HHS - Biostatistics |
$86,560.75 |
HHS - Environmental Safety & Health |
$574,919.68 |
HHS - Epidemiology |
$1,042.98 |
HHS - Exercise & Sport Science |
$599,779.20 |
HHS - EXT Family/Comm HealthOn-Cmps |
$2,219,445.27 |
HHS - EXT Family/Comm Hlth Off-Cmps |
$1,751,626.83 |
HHS - Hallie Ford Center |
$2,168,708.86 |
HHS - Health Mgmt/Health Policy |
$513,892.93 |
HHS - Health Promo/Health Behavior |
$123,767.95 |
HHS - Hlth/Human Sci SW Outreach |
$498,951.58 |
HHS - Human Developmnt & Family Sci |
$1,145,718.18 |
HHS - International Health |
$173,207.06 |
HHS - Nutrition |
$884,656.45 |
College of Education |
$4,128,171.16 |
KED - Education General Ops |
$4,128,171.16 |
Cascades |
$1,675,558.49 |
LCB - Business and Technology |
$26,431.36 |
LCB - Computer Science |
$152,908.49 |
LCB - Counseling |
$277,503.76 |
LCB - Engineering |
$221,127.61 |
LCB - General Science/Biology |
$64,023.91 |
LCB - Health and Human Sciences |
$61,929.00 |
LCB - Hospitality Management |
$860.04 |
LCB - Natural Resources |
$576,952.60 |
LCB - Outdoor Rec Ldrshp / Tourism |
($0.01) |
LCB - Physical Therapy |
$18,732.28 |
LCB - Social Sciences |
$26,466.53 |
LCB - Student Affairs Admin |
$122,799.54 |
LCB - Administrative Support |
$85,357.65 |
LCB - Childcare Services |
$40,465.73 |
Miscellaneous Units |
$1,926,976.45 |
MSA - Basic Needs Center |
$32,362.51 |
MSA - Veteran Services Program |
$877.78 |
MSA - College Assistnce Migrant Pgm |
$60,888.30 |
MSA - Off of Vice Prov Stdt Affairs |
$58,408.52 |
MSA - SA Grant Funded Programs |
$1,769,486.92 |
MSH - Promotion and Prevention Prog |
$4,952.42 |
College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences |
$47,776,111.61 |
OAS - Center Oldest Ice Exploration |
$1,950,945.52 |
OAS - Coop Inst/ClimtOcnEco Studies |
$112,830.47 |
OAS - Geosciences Operations |
$2,132,544.61 |
OAS - Ocean Observing Init Network |
$2,425,728.16 |
OAS - Oceanic and Atmos Sci Oper |
$10,694,806.97 |
OAS - OR Wave Energy Validatn Sites |
$23,310,444.58 |
OAS - Oregon ClimateChange Res Inst |
$78,531.46 |
OAS - RCRV Ship Operations |
$6,400,738.90 |
OAS - Ship Operations |
$669,540.94 |
College of Pharmacy |
$3,660,631.47 |
PHR - Basic Pharm Sci Operations |
$2,812,271.46 |
PHR - Pharmacy Practice Operations |
$848,360.01 |
Research Enterprise |
$11,713,756.28 |
RDR - Coop Inst MarineEcosys/Resrcs |
$2,370,311.09 |
RDR - Ctr Excel Genome Res Biocomp |
$54,624.43 |
RDR - Environ Health Sci Ctr |
$506,791.02 |
RDR - Genome Rsrch & Biocomputing |
$121,914.11 |
RDR - Linus Pauling Institute |
$377,880.86 |
RDR - Offc Commercial & Corp Dvlpmt |
$6,031.85 |
RDR - Pacific Marine Energy Center |
$860,940.42 |
RDR - Research Integrity |
$4,374.33 |
RDR - STEM Research Center |
$1,077,895.86 |
RDR - Superfund Research Center |
$637,440.86 |
RDR - Water / Watershed Institute |
$119,059.03 |
RDR - Space Grant |
$526,925.89 |
RIP - Radiation Center |
$26,867.73 |
RMS - HMSC Research Administration |
$826,803.06 |
RNR - INR Research Operations |
$2,266,139.77 |
RSG - Sea Grant Extension |
$384,283.95 |
RSG - Sea Grant Programs |
$1,359,739.70 |
RSG - Sea Grant STEM Hub |
$185,732.32 |
College of Science |
$8,318,651.71 |
SCH - Chemistry Operations |
$1,903,835.71 |
SMT - Mathematics Operations |
$256,828.06 |
SPH - Physics Operations |
$2,236,762.82 |
SST - Statistics Operations |
$186,342.68 |
SBB - Biochem & Biophysics Oper |
$1,399,494.68 |
SMB - Microbiology Operations |
$744,754.59 |
SZO - Integrative Biology Operatns |
$1,590,633.17 |
Extension Services |
$1,469,516.52 |
TEE - Ctr for Outdoor Rec Economy |
$50,595.67 |
TEE - Open Campus |
$264,182.96 |
TEE - VP Extension&Engagement Admin |
$488,066.25 |
TEX - Ext 4-H Youth Dev Off-Campus |
$7,797.64 |
TEX - Ext 4-H Youth Dev On-Campus |
$446,285.95 |
TEX - Ext Benton County Office |
$10,303.14 |
TEX - Ext Clackamas Co Office |
$1,750.00 |
TEX - Ext Crook County Office |
$26,167.01 |
TEX - Ext Deschutes Co Office |
$1,085.25 |
TEX - Ext Douglas County Office |
$3,094.52 |
TEX - Ext Jackson Co Office |
$9,999.47 |
TEX - Ext Klamath Co Office |
($380.00) |
TEX - Ext Lincoln Co Office |
$670.99 |
TEX - Ext Linn County Office |
$3,300.00 |
TEX - Ext Morrow County Office |
$3,694.65 |
TEX - Ext Umatilla Co Office |
$18,159.54 |
TEX - Ext Union County Office |
$7,993.54 |
TEX - Ext Warm Springs |
$25,274.30 |
TEX - Ext Wasco County Office |
$59,924.67 |
TEX - Ext Washington Co Office |
$6,755.65 |
TEX - Ext Yamhill Co Office |
$2,413.16 |
TEX - Extension Service Program |
$32,382.16 |
College of Veterinary Medicine |
$1,350,469.35 |
VBS - Biomedical Research |
$39,486.93 |
VMD - Animal Health Research |
$1,310,982.42 |
Provost and Executive VP |
$1,707,876.78 |
XEM - Gear Up Program |
$1,459,769.85 |
XEM - Pre-College Prg Admin |
$150,045.39 |
XEM - The SMILE Program |
$55,040.58 |
XMS - Marine Studies Initiative Ops |
$28,896.85 |
XUS - VP Academic Affairs Admin |
$14,124.11 |
Total |
$157,484,311.80 |