How do I complete the Research-Based Disclosure (RBD) form in Cayuse Platform (text only)?

There are three sections in the research-based disclosure form:

    1.    Introduction and Acknowledgement
    2.    Active Investigator Determination
    3.    Financial Interests and External Entities

Section 1:

On the disclosure landing page, the first section, "Introduction and Acknowledgement", is available for you to complete.  You are asked to review relevant information, then respond to the Acknowledgement, which is required.

Once the first section is completed, the second section becomes available to you.  To proceed, you must scroll to the top of the page and either click the “Next” button on the right; or, click the second section within the left-side column.

Note that sometimes there is a considerable lag before the form responds and reveals changes or updates based on your responses.

Section 2:

The “Active Investigator Determination” section is similar to the first section – you are asked to review relevant information and answer 1 or 2 questions. 

Once completed, either the third and final section becomes available to you; or, you are finished with the form and can click "Submit" at the top of the page.

Section 3:

The third section, "Financial Interests and External Entities", begins with a screening question about external financial interests that are covered by the related policy and federal regulation.  Additional screening questions may then become available, depending on your response(s) to the initial question.

Note that you can (and should) save your responses periodically by clicking “Save” at the top of the screen, as you complete the rest of your form.

If you have an external financial interest that requires additional information for review, a subsection will become available that contains additional questions about that interest type.

Click the “+ Add New Relationship” button in the lower right corner to open a new relationship subsection.

  • The first subsection question, “Select Organization”, is required but easy to miss.  This is where you will enter the name of the external entity (organization, company, etc.).
  • Click the “Find external organization” link to open the External Org Finder window, and search for the entity name.  Select it from the list and click “Save”.
  • If you cannot find the entity within the available list, then click the “+ Request New External Org” button, located in the bottom right corner of the screen.  A new popup window will appear with a prompt to enter the entity name.  Please enter the name as accurately as possible, and click “Save”.
  • Review your “Select Organization” response, and ensure that the entity name is entered as your response.

Complete the additional subsection questions as accurately and completely as possible.

Note all the information you enter in subsection fields will be saved and copied over to your next new research-based disclosure in Cayuse Platform.  You will be able to review, edit as necessary, and submit – without the need to type the information in again.

When there are no more questions to complete, the “Submit” button (located at the top of the page) will become available to you. Click "Submit" when you are finished and ready to submit your form.

If you are finished with the form but the “Submit” button is not available, then there is a required question within the form that still requires a response.  If you completed one or more subsections, review them to make sure that your entity is entered in the first question (“Select Organization”), then review for any other missed questions.