The policies and guidance put forth by the OSU Human Research Protection Program borrow extensively from the best practices of a variety of academic institutions, reflect the advice received from federal regulators, and are informed by input from leaders in research ethics. The information provided on this site builds on ideas freely shared between institutions and exists because of the generosity and collegiality demonstrated by the community of professionals who work in the field of human research protections.
By Category
- What is the Institutional Review Board (IRB)?
- What is the IRB’s FWA number?
- Does Your Study Require IRB Review?
- Types of Review
- What does the IRB look for when reviewing an application?
- What common mistakes are found in IRB applications and how can I avoid them?
- Does evaluation require IRB review?
- My study is “exempt”, what does that mean?
- What is the definition of minimal risk?
- How do I complete the enrollment table in the continuing review application and final report forms?
- When are third parties considered human subjects?
- Can I mask citations in my publications to further protect the confidentiality of participants?
- If I am collaborating with researchers at external institutions, which IRB reviews my study?
- I am collaborating with OHSU; what should I submit to OSU?
- What is the difference between feasibility studies and pilot testing?
- How do I describe the use of pre-existing data in the application materials?
- What is the total "target enrollment" number?
- I need to modify a previously approved iRIS-based or email-based study; how do I do this in Cayuse? Not all legacy studies were migrated into Cayuse. Please review the information about the transition and migration process here: Cayuse Human Ethics Transition. Email us at [email protected] with questions.
- Where can I go for assistance using Cayuse HE? The HRPP has developed several resources to assist researchers with using the Cayuse HE system. Please visit our Cayuse Training & Advising page.
- Can I send a message to the HRPP or my study team members within Cayuse? Cayuse does not support a correspondence feature the way iRIS did. Please send messages to the HRPP or study team members via your usual email program.
- Will approved study documents still be stamped? The HRPP will no longer stamp all approved study documents. Only Consent forms for Expedited and Full Board review studies will receive stamps.
- I completed the application form, but how do I confirm it is in the review queue? To submit an application, both the “COMPLETE SUBMISSION” and the “PI CERTIFICATION” steps must be completed. To verify both steps have been completed, log in to Cayuse HE and view or click on the “Awaiting Authorization” box in your Cayuse HE dashboard. If the study appears there, this means the PI has not yet certified the application. If you are the PI, click on the study, and then click on the “Certify” button in the upper right side of your screen. If you are not the PI, notify them the study is awaiting their certification.
- Is the OSU IRB still using the Flex designation for minimal-risk studies? No, the HRPP is no longer utilizing the “Flex” category for new applications. Applications are now first reviewed to determine eligibility for a category of exempt research. If the study is not eligible, the study will be reviewed using an Expedited or Full Board review process.
- (Additional content under development)