SueAnn Bottoms

Dr. SueAnn Bottoms is available to assist with the drafting or review of proposals, partnership development, or professional development instruction. Please email her at [email protected] for more information.
Dr. Bottoms is committed to creating accessible, inclusive, and equitable STEM opportunities for children and families. She is passionate about providing outreach that is culturally responsive and able to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse population. She has been involved extensively in STEM partnerships and particularly interested in how partnerships can reshape and reframe how STEM is defined, who has access to STEM and who participates in STEM.
Her most recent work, FIESTAS, funded by a 21st Century Community Learning Center grant is a partnership between community business owners, Boy and Girls Club of Corvallis (BGCC), Linn and Benton County 4-H, two local elementary schools (Title 1 Spanish-English Dual Immersion) in Corvallis 509J School District, and the Oregon State University’s College of Education Preservice Teacher (PST) program. This partnership facilitates weekly STEM after-school clubs utilizing community-based teaching practices at local elementary schools. FIESTAS’ engaged scholarship model employs iterative research design and transformative practices that focus on the engagement of all partners through ongoing communication, continual redesign, and authentic collaborative practices.
SueAnn came to OSU in 2000 to work for the SMILE program, when she completed her Ph.D. in Science Education in 2007, she moved into the College of Education, first as the Department Chair and then as an assistant professor of science education preparing educators in formal and informal settings. Becoming Director of Precollege Programs is coming full circle. She will continue to focus on partnership opportunities that support a more inclusive vision of STEM.