AGA - Ag Sci Research Clusters |
$103,175 |
AMM - Marine Mammal Institute Ops |
$103,175 |
AGD - Departments |
$2,829,972 |
AAR - Applied Economics Operations |
$93,500 |
ABE - Biol & Ecol Engrg Operations |
$353,863 |
ABP - Ag Botany and Plant Path Oper |
$698,337 |
ABR - Bioresources Research Oper |
$518,480 |
ACS - Crop and Soil Science Oper |
$440,828 |
AFS - Food Sci and Tech Oper |
$285,383 |
AFW - Fisheries and Wildlife Oper |
$113,067 |
AHT - Horticulture Extension |
$56,230 |
AHT - Horticulture Extn Field Fac |
$82,782 |
AHT - Horticulture Operations |
$113,979 |
ATX - Envr & Molec Tox Oper |
$73,523 |
AGS - Agricultural Exper Stations |
$506,053 |
ACB - Colmbia Basin Oper |
$26,780 |
AHE - Hermiston Operations |
$151,666 |
ANW - North Willamette Oper |
$27,123 |
ASF - COMES - Newport |
$300,484 |
CLA - School of Public Policy |
$220,198 |
CLA - School of Public Policy |
$220,198 |
EMM - Sch Mech/Indust/Manufact Engr |
$302,002 |
EMM - Mechanical Engineering Prgm |
$302,002 |
ENE - Nuclear Engineering Departmnt |
$130,431 |
ENE - Nuclear Engineering Oper |
$130,431 |
ENG - Research Clusters |
$521,178 |
EKC - Kiewit Ctr for Transportation |
$290,089 |
EKC - Wave Laboratory |
$195,000 |
EMD - Micro Products - CBEE |
$31,200 |
EMD - Micro Products Program |
$4,889 |
ESE - School of Elect Engr/Comp Sci |
$480,831 |
ESE - Computer Science Prgm |
$454,873 |
ESE - Elect/Comp Engr Prgm |
$25,958 |
FOR - Forestry Departments |
$1,702,206 |
FOR - FE Forest Engr Prgm |
$117,565 |
FOR - Forest Ecosystem Sciences Prg |
$1,409,641 |
FOR - Wood Sci/Engr Oper |
$175,000 |
GRD - Grad School Special Programs |
$711,999 |
GRD - Grad School Special Programs |
$711,999 |
HHS - Schools & Departments |
$6,333 |
HHS - EXT Family/Comm HealthOn-Cmps |
$18,918 |
HHS - EXT Family/Comm Hlth Off-Cmps |
$2,090 |
HHS - Hlth/Human Sci SW Outreach |
($47,850) |
HHS - Sch of Bio & Pop Hlth Sci Ops |
$25,000 |
HHS - Sch Soc & Bhav Hlth Sci Ops |
$8,175 |
KED - Education Departments |
$119,669 |
KED - Education Departments |
$119,669 |
LCB - Academic Prog / Student Aff |
$10,650 |
LCB - Education |
$10,650 |
LCB - Natural Resources |
$0 |
MSA - Enrollment Management |
$218,472 |
MSA - The SMILE Program |
$218,472 |
OAS - Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci Depts |
$2,734,917 |
OAS - Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci Depts |
$500,000 |
OAS - Geosciences Operations |
$491,884 |
OAS - Oceanic and Atmos Sci Oper |
$945,624 |
OAS - Oregon ClimateChange Res Inst |
$797,409 |
PHR - Pharmacy Professional Instruc |
$842,918 |
PHR - Basic Pharm Sci Operations |
$780,092 |
PHR - Pharmacy Practice Operations |
$62,826 |
RDR - Research Programs |
$659,273 |
RDR - Linus Pauling Institute |
$659,273 |
RDR - Mat Synth & Charact(MaSC) Fac |
$0 |
RMS - Hatfield Marine Science Ctr |
$11,234 |
RMS - Hatfield Marine Science Ctr |
$11,234 |
RNR - Institute Natural Resources |
$7,776 |
RNR - Institute Natural Resources |
$7,776 |
RSG - Sea Grant |
$26,489 |
RSG - Sea Grant |
$26,489 |
SCI - Departments |
$488,000 |
SCH - Chemistry Operations |
$375,000 |
SPH - Physics Operations |
$113,000 |
SLS - School of Life Sciences |
$146,974 |
SMB - Microbiology Operations |
$30,544 |
SZO - Integrative Biology Operatns |
$116,430 |
Grand Total |
$12,780,750 |