AGD - Departments | $4,886,285 |
AAR - Applied Economics Operations | $98,745 |
ABP - Ag Botany and Plant Path Oper | $1,759,756 |
ABP - Ag Botany/Pl Path Extension | $87,000 |
ACS - Crop and Soil Science Oper | $732,233 |
AFW - Fisheries and Wildlife Oper | $579,229 |
AHT - Horticulture Extension | $18,519 |
AHT - Horticulture Operations | $178,837 |
AIP - Ag IPPC Extension | $31,358 |
AMB - Ag Microbiology Operations | $799,590 |
ASC - Animal & Rangeland Scis Ops | $39,550 |
ATX - Envr & Molec Tox Extension | $32,223 |
ATX - Envr & Molec Tox Oper | $529,245 |
AGS - Agricultural Exper Stations | $455,615 |
ACB - Colmbia Basin Oper | $55,560 |
AFC - Food Innovtn Ctr Exp Sta Ops | $94,415 |
AGS - Eastern Oregon ARC Oper | $52,006 |
AHE - Hermiston Extension | $85,000 |
AHE - Hermiston Operations | $46,634 |
ANW - North Willamette Extension | $67,000 |
ANW - North Willamette Oper | $55,000 |
BUS - College of Business - Depts | $118,340 |
BUS - Entrepreneurship | $118,340 |
CLA - School of Lang, Culture & Soc | $248,629 |
CLA - School of Lang, Culture & Soc | $248,629 |
CLA - School of Psychological Sci | $1,300 |
CLA - Sch of Psychological Sci Ops | $1,300 |
CLA - School of Public Policy | $578,838 |
CLA - Political Sci Oper | $233,157 |
CLA - School of Public Policy | $345,681 |
ECB - Sch Chem/Biol/Enviro Engr | $250,423 |
ECB - Chemical Engineering Prgm | $250,423 |
EMM - Sch Mech/Indust/Manufact Engr | $1,319,640 |
EMM - Industrial/Manufact Engr Prgm | $100,000 |
EMM - Mechanical Engineering Prgm | $1,219,640 |
ENE - Nuclear Engineering Departmnt | $3,459,040 |
ENE - Nuclear Engineering Oper | $3,459,040 |
ENG - College of Engineering-Admin | ($220,794) |
ENG - College of Engineering-Admin | ($220,794) |
ENG - Research Clusters | $201,733 |
EKC - Kiewit Ctr for Transportation | $112,233 |
EMP - Oregon Metals Inittv MIME | $89,500 |
ESE - School of Elect Engr/Comp Sci | $789,770 |
ESE - Computer Science Prgm | $470,798 |
ESE - Elect/Comp Engr Prgm | $318,972 |
FOR - Forestry Departments | $508,579 |
FOR - Ext Forestry & Natrl Res Prog | $64,544 |
FOR - FE Forest Engr Prgm | $395,598 |
FOR - Forest Ecosystem Sciences Prg | $23,898 |
FOR - Wood Sci/Engr Oper | $24,539 |
FOR - Forestry Research Clusters | $44,417 |
FOR - Forestry Research Clusters | $44,417 |
HHS - Schools & Departments | $529,506 |
HHS - Ext 4-H Youth Dev Off-Campus | $10,000 |
HHS - EXT Family/Comm HealthOn-Cmps | $62,275 |
HHS - Sch of Bio & Pop Hlth Sci Ops | $378,273 |
HHS - Sch Soc & Bhav Hlth Sci Ops | $78,958 |
LCB - Academic Prog / Student Aff | $329,163 |
LCB - Health and Human Sciences | $329,163 |
LCB - Community Relations and Admin | $85,000 |
LCB - Administrative Support | $85,000 |
OAS - Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci Depts | $2,988,992 |
OAS - Geosciences Operations | $386,580 |
OAS - Ocean Observing Init Network | ($59,789) |
OAS - Oceanic and Atmos Sci Oper | $2,117,485 |
OAS - Oregon ClimateChange Res Inst | $544,716 |
PHR - Pharmacy Professional Instruc | $780,737 |
PHR - Basic Pharm Sci Operations | $401,790 |
PHR - Pharmacy Practice Operations | $378,947 |
RDR - Research Programs | $814,500 |
RDR - CIMRS (Coop Inst/Marine Res) | $587,767 |
RDR - Ctr for LifelongSTEM Learning | $63,386 |
RDR - Mat Synth & Charact(MaSC) Fac | $75,000 |
RDR - Superfund Research Center | $88,347 |
RIP - Radiation Center | $341,697 |
RIP - Radiation Center | $341,697 |
RMS - Hatfield Marine Science Ctr | $153,634 |
RMS - Hatfield Marine Science Ctr | $153,634 |
RNR - Institute Natural Resources | $619,585 |
RNR - INR - Or BiodiversityInfo Ctr | $569,580 |
RNR - INR Information Operations | $50,005 |
RSG - Sea Grant | $463,250 |
RSG - Sea Grant | $463,250 |
SCI - Departments | $3,795,005 |
SCH - Chemistry Operations | $3,640,625 |
SMT - Mathematics Operations | $154,380 |
SLS - School of Life Sciences | $147,943 |
SZO - Integrative Biology Operatns | $147,943 |
VMD - Animal Health Research | $174,610 |
VMD - Animal Health Research | $174,610 |
XUS - VP/Dean Undergraduate Studies | $269,594 |
XUS - VP/Dean Undergraduate Studies | $269,594 |
Grand Total | $24,135,031 |