AGA - Ag Sci Research Clusters | $40,838 |
AMM - Marine Mammal Institute Ops | $40,838 |
AGA - College of Ag Administration | $73,707 |
AGA - College of Ag Administration | $73,707 |
AGD - Departments | $2,283,769 |
AAR - Applied Economics Operations | $137,972 |
ABP - Ag Botany and Plant Path Oper | $301,610 |
ACS - Crop and Soil Science Oper | $554,156 |
AFS - Food Sci and Tech Oper | $75,000 |
AFW - Fisheries and Wildlife Oper | $819,690 |
AHT - Horticulture Extension | $10,256 |
AHT - Horticulture Operations | $37,728 |
AIP - Ag IPPC Operations | $48,424 |
AMB - Ag Microbiology Operations | $26,223 |
ASC - Animal & Rangeland Scis Ops | $134,031 |
ATX - Envr & Molec Tox Oper | $138,679 |
AGS - Agricultural Exper Stations | $1,048,147 |
ACB - Colmbia Basin Oper | $7,300 |
AGS - Eastern Oregon ARC Oper | $116,710 |
AHE - Hermiston Extension | $145,327 |
AHE - Hermiston Operations | $150,248 |
AKL - KBREC Operations | $35,000 |
AMA - Malheur Operations | $45,000 |
ANW - North Willamette Oper | $138,000 |
ASF - COMES - Newport | $410,562 |
CLA - School of Lang, Culture & Soc | $51,303 |
CLA - Anthropology Operations | $51,303 |
ECB - Sch Chem/Biol/Enviro Engr | $220,236 |
ECB - Chemical Engineering Prgm | $96,261 |
ECB - Environmental Engr Prgm | $123,975 |
EMM - Sch Mech/Indust/Manufact Engr | $612,321 |
EMM - Mechanical Engineering Prgm | $612,321 |
ENE - Nuclear Engineering Departmnt | $846,896 |
ENE - Nuclear Engineering Oper | $846,896 |
ENG - Research Clusters | $1,087,787 |
EKC - Kiewit Ctr for Transportation | $581,137 |
EMD - Micro Products - CBEE | $64,137 |
EMD - Micro Products - MIME | $273,298 |
EMP - Oregon Metals Inittv MIME | $169,215 |
ESE - School of Elect Engr/Comp Sci | $2,027,082 |
ESE - Computer Science Prgm | $925,254 |
ESE - Elect/Comp Engr Prgm | $1,101,828 |
FOR - Forestry Departments | $271,682 |
FOR - Extension Forestry Oper | $20,000 |
FOR - FE Forest Engr Prgm | $201,682 |
FOR - Forest Ecosystem Sciences Prg | $50,000 |
GRD - Grad School Special Programs | $5,000 |
GRD - Grad School Special Programs | $5,000 |
HHS - Schools & Departments | $103,148 |
HHS - Ext 4-H Youth Dev On-Campus | $1,881 |
HHS - Sch of Bio & Pop Hlth Sci Ops | $42,347 |
HHS - Sch Soc & Bhav Hlth Sci Ops | $58,920 |
JIS - Library Emerging Tech & Svcs | $5,000 |
JIS - Library Emerging Tech & Svcs | $5,000 |
MSH - Student Health Services | $840 |
MSH - Promotion and Prevention Prog | $840 |
OAS - Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci Depts | $1,898,860 |
OAS - Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci Depts | $952,856 |
OAS - Oceanic and Atmos Sci Oper | $946,004 |
PHR - Pharmacy Professional Instruc | $5,068 |
PHR - Pharmacy Practice Operations | $5,068 |
QSA - Specialized Administratv Svcs | $116,471 |
QSA - Specialized Administratv Svcs | $116,471 |
RDR - Research Programs | $1,286,877 |
RDR - CIMRS (Coop Inst/Marine Res) | $82,835 |
RDR - Linus Pauling Institute | $504,042 |
RDR - Research Programs | $700,000 |
RMS - Hatfield Marine Science Ctr | $466,271 |
RMS - Hatfield Marine Science Ctr | $466,271 |
RNR - Institute Natural Resources | $91,000 |
RNR - Institute Natural Resources | $91,000 |
RSG - Sea Grant | $7,704 |
RSG - Sea Grant | $7,704 |
SCI - Departments | $218,848 |
SCH - Chemistry Operations | $132,122 |
SST - Statistics Operations | $86,726 |
SLS - School of Life Sciences | $276,085 |
SZO - Integrative Biology Operatns | $276,085 |
TEX - Extension Service | $177,278 |
TEX - Extension Service Program | $177,278 |
VMD - Animal Health Research | $116,904 |
VMD - Animal Health Research | $116,904 |
Grand Total | $13,339,122 |