Clone of Training Resources

RCR training is a cooperative undertaking supported by academic institutions around the world and promoted at OSU by the Office of Research Integrity, the Office for Sponsored Research and Award Administration, the Graduate School, and the Office of Undergraduate Education

Training efforts should demonstrate a commitment to fostering a research environment that facilitates and supports research integrity.  The resources linked here are intended to support researchers and instructors in those endeavors.  When training is completed to satisfy the requirements of a funding agency, documentation of those efforts and the completion of that training must be maintained by the investigator and made available to the Research Office and relevant funding agencies upon request.


Mentor Training for Faculty offered by the OSU Graduate School

Online Ethics Center for Engineering and Science (content curated by K. Laas, et al) - Includes:

  • Federal Requirements
  • National Academies Reports
  • Online Resources for Training
  • Program Examples and Guides
  • Mentoring Tool Examples
  • Connecting with Mentors Online
  • Key Publications on Mentoring

Log in to and affiliate with OSU. If you have an OSU affiliation (faculty, staff, or student), you must use your OSU email address for the primary and institutional addresses in the CITI registration. Employees must use [email protected] and students must use their ONID email address.

The RCR course will satisfy the requirements set forth by NSF and USDA/NIFA but not NIH.

Responsible conduct of research course offered by the OSU Graduate School. Training topics include:

  1. Ethical decision making
  2. Human subjects
  3. Animal welfare
  4. Data acquisition, sharing, and ownership
  5. Research misconduct
  6. Conflicts of interest
  7. Authorship
  8. Peer review
  9. Mentor/trainee responsibilities
  10. Collaborative science

Useful for all students who conduct scholarly activities. Completion will satisfy the RCR requirements set forth by NSF, USDA/NIFA, and the NIH.

Course Description: "Acquire a multitude of skills to launch and maintain productive extramurally funded careers as research scientists. Explore the ethical practices, data sharing approaches, and compliance requirements needed to conduct research. Examine the ethical use of human subjects and animals in research. Explore the changing landscape of intellectual property and commercialization policies for scientists. Introduces communication strategies for effective interactions with scientific peers, the general public and research sponsors. Equivalent to: MCB 557"

Review of core values, identification of best practices, and approaches to reducing detrimental practices. Format: Book National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2017. Fostering Integrity in Research. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
Discussion, cases, and questions on a variety of topics.
Format: Book
Shamoo, A., Resnik, D. Responsible Conduct of Research. 4th ed., Oxford University Press, 2022
Review of ethical foundations, discussion of personal and professional issues that researchers encounter. Intended for graduate students and early career scientists.
Format: Book, Video
National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and Institute of Medicine. 2009. On Being a Scientist: A Guide to Responsible Conduct in Research: Third Edition. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. 
Resources categorized by areas of the research lifecycle and by discipline.
Format: Website
Columbia University
Short videos involving a fictional case study covering multiple areas of research integrity.
Format: Videos
Office of Research Integrity
Short case studies covering a variety of research integrity topics.
Format: Website
Office of Research Integrity

If you would like to make an anonymous report related to any violation of ethical standards or institutional policies, we encourage you to use the Accountability & Integrity Hotline: EthicsPoint