Shared Research Facilities and Services

Researchers at Oregon State University and beyond may gain access to a host of specialized instruments and services in disciplines ranging from cancer chemoprotection to tsunami preparedness. Some of the following facilities are available to researchers outside OSU. 

Nuclear magnetic resonance lab

Advanced Technology and Manufacturing Institute (ATAMI)

ATAMI’s research focus is on advanced materials, processes and manufacturing and very-large-scale Internet of Things. The Institute's mission is to drive economic development in Oregon through research and technology development in new fields originating at OSU.

Atomic Force Microscope, Wood Science and Engineering

This facility can image things down to the low nanometer scale and measure some material properties such as hardness, roughness, friction and stiffness.

Biomaterials and Biointerfaces Laboratory

This lab provides real-time, label-free, in-situ kinetic analysis of adsorption of proteins, DNA, nanoparticles, or other biomolecules onto solid surfaces, as well as automated air/water tensiometry, expertise in bioactive and biocompatible coatings, bioconjugation and protein modification, and surfactant-protein interactions at interfaces.

Cancer Chemoprotection Program Core Laboratory

Services include salmonella mutagenicity assay (Ames Test); in vitro micronucleus assay; single-cell microgel electrophoresis assay for DNA damage; and HDAC inhibition assays. 

Cell Imaging and Analysis Facilities and Services Core

This core provides access to state-of-the-art instrumentation and expertise in confocal microscopy, flow cytometry, cell sorting, and histopathology. 

Cell Imaging and Culture Facilities

The facility includes four cell culture rooms equipped with laminar-flow hoods, incubators, water baths, tabletop centrifuges, phase and fluorescence microscopes, refrigerators/freezers, and large-scale roller bottle/suspension culture equipment. 

Center for Genome Research & Biocomputing Core Laboratories

The laboratories provide services, technical expertise, and share-use equipment for molecular bioscience, including a confocal laser scanning microscope facility for high resolution analysis of wide variety of specimens, real-time PCR, scanners, robotics and computational facilities

Soil Health Lab

The lab provides chemical analysis of plant tissues and soil extracts; physical analysis of soil materials and geologic substrates; and expertise in analyzing soils and geologic materials for intrinsic physical properties using instruments such as an optical emission spectrometer.

Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Facility

This facility provides equipment, services and consulting expertise related to the detection of phenotypic changes at the cell and subcellular levels.

Tissue Analysis and Pathology

This Core provides equipment, services, and expertise for detection of phenotypic and morphologic changes at the tissue, cell, and subcellular levels, including histopathology immunohistology, light and electron microscopy, and image analysis for evaluation of mechanisms of toxicant action and carcinogenesis.

Crystallographic Laboratories

Single crystal and powder X-ray Diffraction - Phase identification - Structure determination

Electron Microprobe Laboratory

The laboratory provides access to a Cameca SX-100 electron microprobe with high-intensity dispersive crystals for high sensitivity trace element analysis, and a high-precision sample stage.

Electron Microscopy Facility

The facility provides faculty, staff, students, and Industrial collaborators access to electron microscopes and related instrumentation, including an FEI Titan with ChemiSTEM technology and experts in sample preparation and imaging.

Forestry Quarantine Facility

This Oregon Department of Agriculture certified Bio-Level 3 containment facility provides for containment of microorganisms and plant pathogens through an autoclave room, clean shower, dirty shower, insect rearing room and greenhouse.

Hatfield Marine Science Center

Facilities include wet labs, constant-temperature rooms, media-prep room, access to estuarine and mud flat reserve, marine science library collection, student and visiting scientist housing and research vessels. 

Human Performance Testing Lab

The lab studies exercise energy metabolism, athletic performance and body composition, providing tests of aerobic fitness (maximal oxygen consumption), body composition (percent body fat) and general fitness assessment.

Institute for Water and Watersheds Collaboratory

The shared lab provides access to trace-level, freshwater analysis instrumentation and procedures.

Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry Facility

The lab operates four gas-source isotope ratio mass spectrometers connected to a variety of peripherals for analyzing natural abundances of isotopes in environmental, geological and biological sample types.

John L. Fryer Aquatic Animal Health Laboratory

The lab provides access to an indoor experimental wet lab, an outdoor holding area, an isolation room, 250 tanks and aquaria, assistance with ACUP submittal, research animal acquisition, fish husbandry and a variety of other equipment and services.

Mass Spectrometry Facilities

The facilities provide mass spectrometry services for the analysis of diverse small and large biomolecules, including biomolecules (natural products, metabolites, lipids, carbohydrates), proteins and peptides, among others.

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Machining and Product Realization Lab

The facility supports research by designing and fabricating parts and components.

National Geoelectromagnetic Facility

The facility provides access to three EM instruments pools (the NGF ultra wide-band pool, the EarthScope long-period MT pool, the open access long-period MT pool).

Natural Products and Small Molecule Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility

The facility provides instrumentation for chemistry-related researchers with three state-of-the-art nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometers. 

O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory

This lab supports coastal and ocean research and testing with a tsunami basin with multi-directional wavemaker, a 342-foot wave flume, and a control room for onsite researchers. 

Oxidative/Nitrate Stress Core Laboratory
The lab provides analysis of: biological samples for antioxidants and oxidative biomarkers; vitamins C and E, 25-OH vitamin D, and glutathione; and isoprostanes and other biomarkers by HPLC-tandem mass spectrometry.

Radiation Center

The facility offers neutron activation analysis, geological age dating, 60Co irradiations and radiotracer techniques, as well as medical isotope development and production, radiation sterilization, radiation dosimeter testing, and many other services. 

Seed Laboratory

The official seed-testing lab for the State of Oregon, it performs specialized services in seed-testing technology, seed performance, genetic and trait testing, and imaging and information systems.

Sensory Science Laboratory

The lab provides sensory testing and evaluation for research in the food products industry.

Sinnhuber Aquatic Research Laboratory

The lab provides services such as study design assistance, research animals, tank space, fish husbandry, standard and custom diets, morpholino design, microinjections, chemical exposures, transgenic production, data collection and data analysis assistance.

Skeletal Biology Laboratory

The Turner lab (skeletal biology) houses equipment for molecular biology and cell culture analysis. The Iwaniec lab (skeletal imaging) houses equipment for image and histomorphometry analysis.

Stable Isotope Research Unit

The unit contains two isotope ratio mass spectrometers, a gas auto-sampler, a gas purification module for trace gas analysis, and a combustion interface for compound-specific isotope analysis, among other equipment.

Survey Research Center

The center provides research support in survey design, sample selection, questionnaire construction, data collection and reduction, statistical analysis, and the reporting of results.

Textile and Apparel Performance Testing Lab

The lab contains instruments for gauging fabric thickness, wrinkle resistance, stiffness, drape, tear strength, abrasion resistance, thermal properties and liquid transfer behavior.

Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory

The lab provides a full range of animal disease diagnostic services to researchers and others, including surgical biopsies and tests for equine herpes, herd health, avian flu, and a host of other health issues.

W.M. Keck Collaboratory for Plasma Spectrometry

The collaboratory operates four types of plasma spectrometers: quadrupole ICP-MS; high-resolution ICP-MS; multi-collector ICP-MS; and optical emission ICP, which together accommodate a wide range of elemental characterization, including isotopic analysis.