AGA - Ag Sci Research Clusters |
$482,332 |
AMM - Marine Mammal Institute Ops |
$482,332 |
AGD - Departments |
$3,773,687 |
AAR - Applied Economics Operations |
$30,296 |
ABE - Biol & Ecol Engrg Operations |
$84,604 |
ABP - Ag Botany and Plant Path Oper |
$748,145 |
ACS - Crop and Soil Science Oper |
$592,565 |
AFS - Food Sci and Tech Oper |
$215,787 |
AFW - Fisheries and Wildlife Oper |
$844,061 |
AHT - Horticulture Extn Field Fac |
$54,180 |
AHT - Horticulture Operations |
$462,206 |
AIP - Ag IPPC Operations |
$37,674 |
AMB - Ag Microbiology Operations |
$404,169 |
ASC - Animal & Rangeland Scis Ops |
$300,000 |
AGS - Agricultural Exper Stations |
$730,592 |
ACB - Colmbia Basin Oper |
$11,057 |
AGS - Eastern Oregon ARC Oper |
$59,320 |
AHE - Hermiston Operations |
$58,820 |
AMA - Malheur Operations |
$75,000 |
ANW - North Willamette Oper |
$74,489 |
ASF - COMES - Newport |
$451,906 |
CLA - School of Hist Phil & Rel |
$86,446 |
CLA - School of Hist Phil & Rel |
$86,446 |
CLA - School of Lang, Culture & Soc |
$681,741 |
CLA - Anthropology Operations |
$38,365 |
CLA - School of Lang, Culture & Soc |
$643,376 |
CLA - School of Public Policy |
$1,138,326 |
CLA - Political Sci Oper |
$138,375 |
CLA - School of Public Policy |
$999,951 |
ECB - Sch Chem/Biol/Enviro Engr |
$1,325,058 |
ECB - Biological Engineering Prgm |
$362,787 |
ECB - Chemical Engineering Prgm |
$962,271 |
ECC - Sch Civil & Construction Engr |
$95,000 |
ECC - Civil Engineering Prgm |
$95,000 |
EMM - Sch Mech/Indust/Manufact Engr |
$634,075 |
EMM - Industrial/Manufact Engr Prgm |
$100,045 |
EMM - Mechanical Engineering Prgm |
$534,030 |
ENG - Research Clusters |
$630,978 |
EIU - Computational Sci & Engr Ctr |
$350,000 |
EKC - Kiewit Ctr for Transportation |
$220,162 |
EKC - Wave Laboratory |
$52,750 |
EMP - Oregon Metals Inittv MIME |
$8,066 |
ENS - Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr |
$633,257 |
ENE - Nuclear Engineering Oper |
$186,414 |
ENS - Sch Nuc Sci&Engr Prgm General |
$446,843 |
ESE - School of Elect Engr/Comp Sci |
$537,321 |
ESE - Computer Science Prgm |
$87,424 |
ESE - Elect/Comp Engr Prgm |
$449,897 |
FOR - Forestry Departments |
$422,722 |
FOR - Ext Forestry & Natrl Res Prog |
$80,000 |
FOR - FE Forest Engr Prgm |
$56,660 |
FOR - Forest Ecosystem Sciences Prg |
$186,062 |
FOR - Wood Sci/Engr Oper |
$100,000 |
FOR - Forestry Research Clusters |
$1,016,225 |
FOR - Forestry Research Clusters |
$1,016,225 |
HHS - Schools & Departments |
$1,003,412 |
HHS - Ext 4-H Youth Dev Off-Campus |
$140,000 |
HHS - EXT Family/Comm HealthOn-Cmps |
$58,110 |
HHS - Sch of Bio & Pop Hlth Sci Ops |
$435,302 |
HHS - Sch Soc & Bhav Hlth Sci Ops |
$370,000 |
LCB - Academic Prog / Student Aff |
$369,772 |
LCB - Health and Human Sciences |
$369,772 |
OAS - Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci Depts |
$1,660,149 |
OAS - Geosciences Operations |
$400,889 |
OAS - Oceanic and Atmos Sci Oper |
$1,259,260 |
PHR - Pharmacy Professional Instruc |
$613,411 |
PHR - Basic Pharm Sci Operations |
$592,454 |
PHR - Pharmacy Practice Operations |
$20,957 |
RDR - Research Programs |
$3,806,202 |
RDR - CIMRS (Coop Inst/Marine Res) |
$2,645,130 |
RDR - Ctr for LifelongSTEM Learning |
$282,903 |
RDR - Linus Pauling Institute |
$541,769 |
RDR - Mat Synth & Charact(MaSC) Fac |
$336,400 |
RIP - Radiation Center |
$344,353 |
RIP - Radiation Center |
$344,353 |
RMS - Hatfield Marine Science Ctr |
$1,679,507 |
RMS - Hatfield Marine Science Ctr |
$1,679,507 |
RNR - Institute Natural Resources |
$300,000 |
RNR - Institute Natural Resources |
$300,000 |
RSG - Sea Grant |
$149,988 |
RSG - Sea Grant |
$149,988 |
SCI - Departments |
$333,774 |
SCH - Chemistry Operations |
$83,375 |
SMT - Mathematics Operations |
$0 |
SPH - Physics Operations |
$56,250 |
SST - Statistics Operations |
$194,149 |
SLS - School of Life Sciences |
$289,006 |
SZO - Integrative Biology Operatns |
$289,006 |
TEX - Extension Service |
$0 |
TEX - Ext Jackson Co Office |
$0 |
TEX - Ext Union County Office |
$0 |
VDL - Veterinary Diagnostic Lab |
$107,498 |
VDL - Veterinary Diagnostic Lab |
$107,498 |
XEM - Enrollment Management |
$2,600,000 |
XEM - Gear Up Program |
$2,600,000 |
Grand Total |
$25,444,832 |