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Year to Date by Index 2021-2022


Summary of Awards by Index
Fiscal Year 2021-22
College of Agricultural Sciences $83,351,575
AGA - Ag Sci Research Clusters $7,675,287
AHC - Hemp Center Ops $5,704,092
AMM - Marine Mammal Institute Ops $1,971,195
AGD - Departments $58,472,444
AAR - Applied Economics Operations $2,668,987
ABE - Biol & Ecol Engrg Operations $1,346,822
ABP - Ag Botany and Plant Path Oper $9,732,994
ABP - Ag Botany/Pl Path Extension $112,662
ACM - CAS Chemistry Operations $448,527
ACS - Crop and Soil Sci Extension $866,581
ACS - Crop and Soil Science Oper $5,649,327
AFS - Food Sci and Tech Oper $11,086,480
AFW - Fisheries and Wildlife Oper $10,199,595
AHT - Horticulture Extension $874,498
AHT - Horticulture Extn Field Fac $99,785
AHT - Horticulture Operations $5,218,596
AIP - Ag Oregon IPM Cntr Operations $1,554,301
AMB - Ag Microbiology Operations $889,613
ASC - Animal & Rangeland Scis Extn $178,928
ASC - Animal & Rangeland Scis Ops $1,189,712
ATX - Envr & Molec Tox Extension $61,937
ATX - Envr & Molec Tox Oper $6,293,099
AGS - Agricultural Exper Stations $15,832,442
ACB - Colmbia Basin Extension $195,850
ACB - Colmbia Basin Oper $1,409,665
ACT - Central Oregon Oper $220,668
AFC - Food Innovtn Ctr Exp Sta Ops $991,805
AGS - Eastern Oregon ARC Oper $1,404,914
AHE - Hermiston Extension $194,030
AHE - Hermiston Operations $1,206,052
AKL - KBREC Operations $175,038
AMA - Malheur Operations $266,806
AMC - Mid-Columbia Oper $643,046
ANW - North Willamette Oper $1,705,122
ASF - COMES - Newport $5,957,592
ASU - Southern Oregon Oper $1,461,854
ASG - Sun Grant Western Center $1,371,402
ASG - Sun Grant Western Center $1,371,402
College of Business $1,316,172
BUS - College of Business - Depts $1,316,172
BEM - Entrprnrshp/Mgmt/Logistcs Ops $422,615
BFA - Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS Ops $47,739
BUS - College of Business - Depts $702,962
BUS - Family Business Operations $142,856
College of Liberal Arts $2,305,618
CLA - Departments $72,500
CLA - Center for the Humanities Ops $72,500
CLA - Liberal Arts Administration $230,000
CLA - Liberal Arts Administration $230,000
CLA - School of Hist Phil & Rel $21,191
CLA - School of Hist Phil & Rel $21,191
CLA - School of Lang, Culture & Soc $153,773
CLA - School of Lang, Culture & Soc $153,773
CLA - School of Psychological Sci $657,590
CLA - Sch of Psychological Sci Ops $657,590
CLA - School of Public Policy $1,170,564
CLA - School of Public Policy $1,170,564
Academic Affairs $0
College of Engineering $64,505,756
ECB - Sch Chem/Biol/Enviro Engr $8,470,770
ECB - Biological Engineering Prgm $471,042
ECB - Chemical Engineering Prgm $3,486,584
ECB - Environmental Engr Prgm $4,513,144
ECC - Sch Civil & Construction Engr $985,134
ECC - Civil Engineering Prgm $985,134
EMM - Sch Mech/Indust/Manufact Engr $14,263,137
EMM - Industrial/Manufact Engr Prgm $3,718,123
EMM - Mechanical Engineering Prgm $10,545,014
ENG - Research Clusters $16,152,725
ECA - Ctr for Appl Sys & Sftwr Ops $405,000
EIU - Computational Sci & Engr Ctr $3,307,511
EKC - Kiewit Ctr for Transportation $12,166,794
EKC - Wave Laboratory $166,424
ELS - NW Nat'l Mar Renew Energy Ctr $20,000
EMD - Mat'l Syn & Charact (MaSC) $86,996
EMD - Micro Products - CBEE $0
ENS - Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr $9,999,073
ENS - Sch Nuc Sci&Engr Prgm General $9,999,073
ESE - School of Elect Engr/Comp Sci $14,634,917
ESE - Computer Science Prgm $539,923
ESE - Elect/Comp Engr Prgm $14,065,230
ESE - School Prgm General $29,764
College of Forestry $14,770,415
FOR - Forestry Departments $14,399,535
FOR - Ext Forestry & Natrl Res Prog $127,894
FOR - FE Forest Engr Prgm $5,855,398
FOR - Forest Ecosystem Sciences Prg $7,926,839
FOR - Wood Sci/Engr Oper $489,404
FOR - Forestry Research Clusters $370,880
FOR - Forestry Research Clusters $370,880
Graduate School $1,582,877
GRD - Grad School Special Programs $1,582,877
GRD - Grad School Special Programs $1,582,877
College of Health and Human Sciences $43,390,065
HHS - Schools & Departments $43,390,065
HHS - Ext 4-H Youth Dev Off-Campus $0
HHS - EXT Family/Comm HealthOn-Cmps $13,316,687
HHS - EXT Family/Comm Hlth Off-Cmps $258,077
HHS - Hallie Ford Center $14,428,100
HHS - Hlth/Human Sci SW Outreach $1,146,622
HHS - Sch of Bio & Pop Hlth Sci Ops $8,043,699
HHS - Sch Soc & Bhav Hlth Sci Ops $6,196,880
College of Education $1,826,432
KED - Education Departments $1,826,432
KED - Education Departments $1,826,432
Cascades Campus $6,167,255
LCB - Academic Prog / Student Aff $2,541,294
LCB - Business & Management $20,000
LCB - Engineering $1,045,008
LCB - Health & Human Sciences $399,127
LCB - Natural Resources $694,044
LCB - Science $16,910
LCB - Social Sciences & Education $70,013
LCB - Student Affairs $296,192
LCB - Community Relations and Admin $3,625,961
LCB - Administrative Support $3,625,961
Miscellaneous Units $4,227,340
MSA - Dean of Students $22,750
MSA - Dean of Students $22,750
MSA - Education Opportunities Prgms $722,601
MSA - College Assistnce Migrant Pgm $722,601
MSA - Family Resource Center $6,225
MSA - Family Resource Center $6,225
MSA - Off of Vice Prov Stdt Affairs $109,000
MSA - Off of Vice Prov Stdt Affairs $109,000
MSA - SA Grant Funded Programs $2,405,278
MSA - SA Grant Funded Programs $2,405,278
MSH - Student Health Services $10,000
MSH - Promotion and Prevention Prog $10,000
QFA - Controller's Office-Fin & Adm $11,500
QBA - Student Billing & Receivables $11,500
QIA - Univ Facilities Infrastr&Ops $127,912
QCP - Real Property $127,912
UPR - Office of the President $285,941
UPR - Office of the President $285,941
ZAR - Budgeted Gen Fund Optns $526,133
ZAR - Budg Rev-Board and State Resp $526,133
College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences $63,501,369
OAS - Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci Depts $63,501,369
OAS - Center Oldest Ice Exploration $4,963,793
OAS - Coop Inst/ClimtOcnEco Studies $332,392
OAS - Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci Depts $15,491,581
OAS - Geosciences Operations $5,167,529
OAS - Ocean Observing Init Network $7,071,934
OAS - Oceanic and Atmos Sci Oper $27,416,294
OAS - OR Wave Energy Validatn Sites $2,500,001
OAS - Oregon ClimateChange Res Inst $557,845
College of Pharmacy $8,005,684
PHR - Pharmacy Professional Instruc $8,005,684
PHR - Basic Pharm Sci Operations $7,549,385
PHR - Pharmacy Practice Operations $456,299
Research Office $34,115,173
RDR - Research Programs $21,285,726
RDR - Coop Inst MarineEcosys/Resrcs $5,130,620
RDR - Environ Health Sci Ctr $1,763,576
RDR - Genome Rsrch & Biocomp Ctr $1,313,502
RDR - Linus Pauling Institute $669,177
RDR - Pacific Marine Energy Center $5,051,758
RDR - Research Programs $68,356
RDR - STEM Research Center $4,338,808
RDR - Superfund Research Center $2,575,797
RDR - Water / Watershed Institute $374,132
RDR - Space Grant $400,000
RDR - Space Grant $400,000
RIP - Radiation Center $710,113
RIP - Radiation Center $710,113
RMS - Hatfield Marine Science Ctr $3,633,401
RMS - Hatfield Marine Science Ctr $3,633,401
RNR - Institute Natural Resources $6,303,039
RNR - INR - Or BiodiversityInfo Ctr ($21,579)
RNR - Institute Natural Resources $6,324,618
RSG - Sea Grant $1,782,894
RSG - Sea Grant $1,782,894
College of Science $17,078,682
SCI - Departments $5,540,674
SCH - Chemistry Operations $2,067,224
SMT - Mathematics Operations $622,460
SPH - Physics Operations $2,774,299
SST - Statistics Operations $76,691
SLS - School of Life Sciences $11,538,008
SBB - Biochem & Biophysics Oper $5,284,921
SMB - Microbiology Operations $2,162,643
SZO - Integrative Biology Operatns $4,090,444
Extension $2,954,486
TEE - Extension & Engagement $530,245
TEE - Extension & Engagement $530,245
TEX - Extension Service $2,424,241
TEX - 4-H $1,336,994
TEX - Ext Clackamas Co Office $22,715
TEX - Ext Coos County Office $1,500
TEX - Ext Jackson Co Office $617,420
TEX - Ext Lane County Office $24,000
TEX - Ext Lincoln Co Office $30,000
TEX - Ext Linn County Office $13,000
TEX - Ext Tillamook Co Office $20,000
TEX - Ext Umatilla Co Office $22,450
TEX - Ext Warm Springs $87,616
TEX - Ext Wasco County Office $53,537
TEX - Ext Washington Co Office $43,359
TEX - Extension Service Program $151,650
College of Veterinary Medicine $3,861,528
VMD - Animal Health Research $3,861,528
VMD - Animal Health Research $3,861,528
Provost and Executive VP $285,559
XEM - Enrollment Management $152,382
XEM - Pre-College Prg Admin $124,048
XEM - The SMILE Program $28,334
XMS - Marine Studies Initiative $93,457
XMS - Marine Studies Initiative $93,457
XUS - Vice Provost Academic Affairs $39,720
DLB - Library Emerging Tech & Svcs $17,220
DLB - Library OSU Press $5,000
XUS - Vice Provost Academic Affairs $17,500
Grand Total $353,245,986