FY23 Year to Date Expenses by Index

Summary of Expenses by Index
Fiscal Year 2022-2023
Unit Expenditures
College of Agriculture $62,371,554.46
AHC - Hemp Center Ops $1,205,029.81
AMM - Marine Mammal Institute Ops $1,982,177.71
ATI - Transl & Integrtv Sci Ctr Ops ($11.36)
AGA - College of Ag - Extension ($37.12)
AGA - Research Support $122,418.26
AAR - Applied Economics Operations $1,183,203.36
ABE - Biol & Ecol Engrg Operations $1,939,564.69
ABP - Ag Botany and Plant Path Oper $8,263,076.92
ABP - Ag Botany/Pl Path Extension $28,521.44
ACM - CAS Chemistry Operations $465,064.56
ACS - Crop and Soil Sci Extension $1,187,830.06
ACS - Crop and Soil Science Oper $4,160,388.60
AED - General Agriculture Oper $6,893.01
AFS - Food Sci and Tech Oper $4,773,401.04
AFW - Fisheries and Wildlife Oper $9,476,274.85
AHT - Horticulture Extension $1,389,263.37
AHT - Horticulture Extn Field Fac $66,755.84
AHT - Horticulture Operations $4,634,931.39
AIP - Ag Oregon IPM Cntr Operations $526,228.33
AMB - Ag Microbiology Operations $734,303.77
ASC - Animal & Rangeland Scis Extn $50,854.11
ASC - Animal & Rangeland Scis Ops $1,875,133.77
ATX - Envr & Molec Tox Extension $57,906.67
ATX - Envr & Molec Tox Oper $4,832,177.85
ACB - Colmbia Basin Extension $146,560.80
ACB - Colmbia Basin Oper $1,783,390.88
ACT - Central Oregon Oper $687,848.22
AEB - EOARC - Burns $1,553,067.39
AEU - EOARC - Union $95,767.84
AFC - Food Innovtn Ctr Exp Sta Ops $587,564.20
AHE - Hermiston Extension $83,158.56
AHE - Hermiston Operations $1,529,992.36
AKL - KBREC Operations $259,835.13
AMA - Malheur Operations $332,988.68
AMC - Mid-Columbia Oper $404,888.20
ANW - North Willamette Extension $16,766.15
ANW - North Willamette Oper $1,332,231.30
ASF - COMES - Astoria Oper $119,235.98
ASF - COMES - Newport Oper $3,291,838.47
ASU - Southern Oregon Oper $634,363.16
ASG - Sun Grant Western Center Oper $550,706.21
College of Business $632,027.78
BEM - Entrprnrshp/Mgmt/Logistcs Ops $170,476.80
BFA - Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS Ops $54,853.19
BUS - Accounting $6,493.01
BUS - Family Business Operations $48,435.29
BUS - General Business Instr $243,313.43
BUS - Undergraduate Student Dvlpmnt $108,456.06
College of Liberal Arts $1,936,100.05
CLA - Center for the Humanities Ops $41,175.03
CLA - Deans Office $124,886.23
CLA - School of Hist Phil & Rel Ops $11,926.03
CLA - Sch of Lang, Cultr & Soc  Ops $396,431.65
CLA - Sch of Psychological Sci Ops $522,652.00
CLA - School of Public Policy Ops $839,029.11
Academic Affairs $0.00
College of Engineering $59,899,049.00
ECB - Biological Engineering Prgm $583,511.15
ECB - Chemical Engineering Prgm $4,014,967.22
ECB - Environmental Engr Prgm $2,595,143.20
ECC - Civil Engineering Prgm $494,685.41
EMM - Industrial/Manufact Engr Prgm $6,242,452.49
EMM - Mechanical Engineering Prgm $7,682,035.70
ENG - Deans Office $157,455.10
ECA - Ctr for Appl Sys & Sftwr Ops $422,538.35
EIU - Computational Sci & Engr Ctr $2,773,003.39
EKC - Kiewit Ctr for Transportation $11,880,455.26
EKC - Wave Laboratory $14,754.69
ELS - NW Nat'l Mar Renew Energy Ctr $437,525.15
EMD - Mat'l Syn & Charact (MaSC) $66,920.96
EMD - Micro Products - CBEE $92,879.77
EMD - Micro Products Program $440.65
EMS - CDADIC Ctr for Analog/Digital $387,898.10
ERA - Robotics Institute $7,525.70
ENE - Nuclear Engineering Oper ($97,788.09)
ENS - Sch Nuc Sci&Engr Prgm General $7,050,700.75
ESE - Computer Science Prgm $739,086.84
ESE - Elect/Comp Engr Prgm $14,348,864.50
ESE - School Prgm General $3,992.71
College of Forestry $14,635,379.18
FOR - Ext Forestry & Natrl Res Prog $121,955.02
FOR - Extension Wildland Fire Progm $969.00
FOR - FE Forest Engr Prgm $5,638,939.17
FOR - Forest Ecosystem Sciences Prg $7,196,917.66
FOR - Wood Sci/Engr Oper $1,301,968.09
FOR - TallWood Design Institute Ops $374,630.24
Graduate School $1,373,638.51
GRD - Grad School Special Programs $1,373,638.51
College of Public Health and Human Science $30,551,563.76
HHS - Biostatistics (PH) $166,448.01
HHS - Enviro, Safety & Health (PH) $2,518,334.37
HHS - Epidemiology (PH) $402,299.35
HHS - Exercise & Sport Science $1,316,391.36
HHS - Ext 4-H Youth Dev Off-Campus $9,039.21
HHS - EXT Family/Comm HealthOn-Cmps $9,538,023.70
HHS - EXT Family/Comm Hlth Off-Cmps $3,314,039.26
HHS - Hallie Ford Center $4,714,734.06
HHS - Hlth Mgmt/Hlth Policy (PH) $1,598,247.57
HHS - Hlth Promo/Hlth Behavior (PH) $782,985.40
HHS - Hlth/Human Sci SW Outreach $1,424,949.94
HHS - Human Developmnt & Family Sci $3,054,620.95
HHS - International Health (PH) $217,567.58
HHS - Nutrition $1,493,883.00
College of Education $3,146,802.46
KED - Education General Ops $3,146,802.46
Cascades $3,326,629.70
LCB - Computer Science $76,038.29
LCB - Counseling $819.17
LCB - Education Graduate $67,832.76
LCB - Engineering $984,381.83
LCB - General Science/Biology $40,419.55
LCB - Health and Human Sciences $291,335.39
LCB - Hospitality Management $14,292.83
LCB - Natural Resources $809,079.30
LCB - Social Sciences $323,755.25
LCB - Student Affairs Admin $218,727.72
LCB - Administrative Support $499,947.61
Miscellaneous Units $4,829,968.42
MRS - Recreational Sports Programs $1,393.00
MSA - Veteran Services Program $22,809.50
MSA - Academic Achievement Admin ($51,994.60)
MSA - College Assistnce Migrant Pgm $543,972.77
MSA - Off of Vice Prov Stdt Affairs $211,477.91
MSA - SA Grant Funded Programs $3,450,720.35
MSH - Promotion and Prevention Prog $9,979.05
QCP - Real Property $129,404.05
UPR - Office of the President $381,371.21
WHC - Univ Honors College Operatns $3,150.00
YIA - Athletic Medicine $1,475.18
ZAR - Budg Rev-OSU Board Resources $126,210.00
College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences $114,642,240.16
OAS - Center Oldest Ice Exploration $4,498,229.01
OAS - Coop Inst/ClimtOcnEco Studies $224,511.62
OAS - Geosciences Operations $5,622,124.87
OAS - Ocean Observing Init Network $8,493,754.71
OAS - Oceanic and Atmos Sci Oper $26,835,699.42
OAS - OR Wave Energy Validatn Sites $26,268,568.93
OAS - Oregon ClimateChange Res Inst $444,175.98
OAS - RCRV Ship Operations $39,330,850.59
OAS - Ship Operations $2,924,325.03
College of Pharmacy $10,670,515.75
PHR - Basic Pharm Sci Operations $7,962,301.27
PHR - Pharmacy Practice Operations $2,707,375.28
PHR - Pharmacy Research $839.20
Research Enterprise $30,454,227.90
RDR - Adv Tech & Mftg Inst (ATAMI) $267,689.76
RDR - Coop Inst MarineEcosys/Resrcs $4,837,060.04
RDR - Ctr Excel Genome Res Biocomp $231,130.10
RDR - Environ Health Sci Ctr $1,691,457.49
RDR - Genome Rsrch & Biocomputing $295,215.04
RDR - Linus Pauling Institute $675,811.39
RDR - Mat Synth & Charact(MaSC) Fac $30,454.36
RDR - Offc Commercial & Corp Dvlpmt $211,822.05
RDR - Pacific Marine Energy Center $3,120,935.90
RDR - Research Integrity $3,179.69
RDR - STEM Research Center $2,972,751.37
RDR - Superfund Research Center $2,627,811.42
RDR - Water / Watershed Institute $174,338.84
RDR - Space Grant $814,071.73
RIP - Radiation Center $302,438.68
RMS - HMSC Research Operations $2,927,866.56
RNR - INR - Or BiodiversityInfo Ctr ($4,713.38)
RNR - INR Information Operations ($0.03)
RNR - INR Research Operations $5,990,085.00
RSG - Sea Grant Extension $1,346,647.83
RSG - Sea Grant Programs $1,938,174.06
College of Science $19,308,135.22
SCH - Chemistry Operations $2,746,466.53
SMT - Mathematics Operations $727,060.29
SPH - Physics Operations $5,733,262.37
SST - Statistics Operations $140,817.06
SBB - Biochem & Biophysics Oper $3,590,677.63
SMB - Microbiology Operations $2,990,702.57
SZO - Integrative Biology Operatns $3,379,148.77
Extension Services $2,912,298.35
TEE - KidSpirit $469,305.47
TEE - Open Campus $566,877.16
TEE - Outdoor Recreation Econ Initv $92,530.74
TEE - VP Extension&Engagement Admin $88,957.03
TEX - Ext 4-H Youth Dev Off-Campus $255,035.29
TEX - Ext 4-H Youth Dev On-Campus $623,746.72
TEX - Ext Benton County Office $5,191.16
TEX - Ext Clackamas Co Office $11,216.66
TEX - Ext Clatsop Co Office $23,294.91
TEX - Ext Coos County Office $1,291.16
TEX - Ext Deschutes Co Office $1,452.04
TEX - Ext Jackson Co Office $118,045.54
TEX - Ext Klamath Co Office $35,818.20
TEX - Ext Lake County Office $1,021.15
TEX - Ext Lane County Office $10,164.76
TEX - Ext Lincoln Co Office $18,240.32
TEX - Ext Linn County Office $14,798.48
TEX - Ext Malheur Co Office $147,665.39
TEX - Ext Marion County Office $21,597.59
TEX - Ext Morrow County Office $6,149.05
TEX - Ext Tillamook Co Office $3,719.58
TEX - Ext Umatilla Co Office $40,464.36
TEX - Ext Union County Office $8,989.67
TEX - Ext Warm Springs $59,986.72
TEX - Ext Wasco County Office $128,971.90
TEX - Ext Washington Co Office $85,480.94
TEX - Extension 4-H Youth $8,247.63
TEX - Extension Service Program $64,038.73
College of Veterinary Medicine $4,498,080.60
VBS - Biomedical Research $28,710.93
VMD - Animal Health Research $4,469,369.67
Provost and Executive VP $1,983,066.31
XEC - Ecampus Programs $42,779.14
XEM - Gear Up Program $940,754.22
XEM - Pre-College Prg Admin $540,120.70
XEM - The SMILE Program $247,298.44
XMS - Marine Studies Initiative Ops $147,372.30
DLB - Library Emerging Tech & Svcs $14,107.07
DLB - Library OSU Press $5,000.00
XUS - College Assistnc Migrant Prgm ($88.60)
XUS - TRiO/Student Support Services ($34,144.00)
XUS - VP Academic Affairs Admin $79,867.04
Total $367,171,277.61