Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

Sensor Development:  Within the EECS department, there are a variety of research laboratories focused on sensor and device development.  These are based on technological advances in materials, thin-films, magnetic, laser and optical properties that apply to low-cost electronics, displays, sensors, communication devices, and LIDAR systems.  There are a number of specialized facilities that support research and testing of devices and sensors.  

Intelligent Information Systems:  This research cluster works to develop technology, processes, and software to enable effective access to and utilization of overwhelming amounts of information. This effort combines knowledge from database, machine learning, information retrieval, networking and human-computer interaction research to create more intelligent information systems. Core strengths include collaborative filtering, probabilistic modeling, spatial databases, usability engineering, web-based interfaces, and wireless computing.  These researchers seek to construct computer systems that can build models of their environments and apply those models to make reliable, rapid decisions. They develop new methods for statistical learning, data mining, and probabilistic reasoning and apply these to problems in environmental monitoring, ecological science, manufacturing engineering, space exploration, robot control, and web-based information systems.

Open Source Lab:  The Open Source Lab is an organization working for the advancement of open source technologies. The lab provides hosting for more than 160 projects, including those of worldwide leaders like the Apache Software Foundation, the Linux Foundation and Drupal. Together, the OSL’s hosted sites deliver nearly 430 terabytes of information every month to people around the world.  The most active organization of its kind, the OSL offers world-class hosting services, professional software development and on-the-ground training for promising students interested in open source management and programming.