OSU's Research Conflict of Interest (RCOI) Program and federal Financial Conflicts of Interest (FCOI) regulations requires OSU-affiliated investigators (also known as "covered persons") to disclose their financial interests to OSU and complete training on related investigator responsibilities, federal regulations, and university policy.
All persons conducting scientific diving under the auspices of Oregon State University (OSU) must be authorized to do so and have their dive plans approved by the OSU Diving Safety Officer (DSO) and Diving Control Board (DCB).
The Oregon State University IACUC provides and reviews policies and guidelines to assist researchers and IACUC members with the ability to work consistently within applicable federal, state, and local laws, and regulations.
Operation of a small motorboat while conducting research activities places unique demands on the operator and crew. Experience and training of all individuals must be appropriate for the vessel, tasks to be completed, and operational environment.
The OSU Institutional Review Board (IRB) requires all individuals conducting research involving human subjects to complete training in the protection of human subjects prior to submitting applications for review.
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training
RCR training provides basic information about accepted practices in scientific inquiry. Requirements are organized by funding agency and resources are available to support your training efforts at every career stage.