Proposal Preparation & Routing
Oregon State University uses Cayuse as its web-based proposal development and submission system. (CayuseSP for routing of all proposal records and Cayuse424 for submissions.) After registering to use Cayuse, you will use your ONID username (all lower case) and your ONID password to access the website.
It is important to prepare and route your proposal through Cayuse with sufficient time to obtain Department and College Administrator approval and still allow at least five (5) business days for OSRAA's administrative review and submission authorization. OSRAA approval is required prior to submission of any sponsored project proposal.
Proposal Review & Submission
More detail about OSRAA's proposal review and submission process is available on the Proposal Submission Process page. OSRAA provides four tiers of service for proposal review.
Cover Sheet/Proposal Application Resources
The page below provides information frequently required for proposal cover pages or other required forms. This is a good place to look if you need institutional contact names, business addresses, and various institutional codes.
A variety of proposal and budget-related development reference materials, tools and resources are available at the link below.
Limited Submission Opportunities
Some extramural funding programs limit the number of applications that Oregon State University may submit in any given year or funding cycle. The Office for Research Advancement facilitates the announcement of these limited submission opportunities and coordinates the internal review process to select the most competitive candidates. Read more about the Limited Submissions process at this site: Limited-Submissions.