Proposal Review & Submission

Proposal Review

Oregon State University uses Cayuse as its web-based proposal development and submission system. After registering to use Cayuse, you will use your ONID username (all lower case) and your ONID password to access the website.

It is important to submit your proposal with sufficient time to obtain Department and College Administrator approval and allow five business days for Sponsored Program review and authorization. As with all research projects, OSRAA approval is required prior to proposal submission to the sponsor. OSRAA provides four tiers of service for proposal review.

Cayuse 424 is used for proposal submissions. Instructions on verifying Cayuse 424 submission status can be found here

Proposal Submission

Within this section you will be able to find information for your cover page, budget, and limited submission opportunities. When submitting your proposal, it is important to ensure your cover page and related documents have correct information. Through the Cover Page/Application and Budgeting Information nodes you will be able to find everything you need to know about creating a successful proposal. Additionally, please refer to Limited Submissions to find if your intended sponsor has restricted submission policies or any limited funding opportunities. To find more information on the proposal cycle please refer to OSU Cayuse Proposal Routing Process.

Cover Page/Application Information

To find information on proposal cover pages and other Institutional Identifiers use the link below. Included are Oregon State University Application/Cover Page resources as well as City, County, State, and Federal information. This is a good place to look if you need names, addresses, and various institutional codes. 

Limited Submission Opportunities

When you developed your proposal idea you may have come up with a specific sponsor in mind. Some sponsors, however, offer special opportunities for funding or certain restrictions. Learn more about limited submissions!