Request for Proposals for the 2023-2025 “Oceangoing Research Vessel Program”
Oregon State University (OSU) requests proposals for the use of the OSU’s research vessels to conduct research and study of the waters of the Pacific Coast. Pending approval by the Oregon legislature, the State of Oregon is planning to provide approximately $350,000 under the “Oceangoing Research Vessel Program” in each year of the biennium beginning on July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2025.
- Date of Issue: February 20,2023
- Due Date: March 31, 2023, 5:00pm, Pacific Time
- Target Date for Notice of Award: April 28, 2023
- RFP Information available to download here.
Further Information
- For further information about the proposal process, questions about eligibility or suitability of potential proposals for use of OSU research vessels, please contact Research Vessel Council Chair Jack Barth (1-541-737-1607, [email protected]).
- For questions about OSU research vessel operational capabilities and availability of the R/V Elakha and the R/V Taani please contact OSU Marine Superintendent Kaya Johnson (1-541-867-0225, [email protected]).
- For questions about OSU research vessel operational capabilities and availability of the R/V Pacific Storm please contact Barb Lagerquist (1-541-867-0322, [email protected]).
- For questions about the capabilities of OSU’s research vessels’ scientific equipment and remote presence, capabilities please contact OSU Marine Technician Superintendent Andrew Woogen (1-541-737-4622, [email protected]).
Please note funding for this program is contingent on future appropriation from the Oregon Legislature. If funding is not approved at the expected level, OSU may issue no awards or a reduced number of awards.
- Proposals should be a maximum of 5 pages including a 1-page Curriculum Vitae for the Principal Investigator. Appendices are not allowed, but use of Web URLs is allowed.
- Proposers - attach a PDF version of the proposal by the RFP deadline: Through this SMARTSHEET FORM
Problems with the Smartsheet form - email [email protected]
Please review all the following RFP Details and Guidelines:
New for this biennium only: OSU is planning for large vessel operations onboard the R/V Taani, the new NSF-funded Regional Class Research Vessel. The R/V Taani may be ready for service in late fall 2024. Therefore, a large OSU research vessel is not available until the final half year of this biennium, that is the first 6 months of 2025. Based on this schedule, proposals for work on R/V Taani during the first half of 2025 are encouraged. For the second half of 2023 and all of 2024, proposals are welcome that make use of OSU’s R/V Elakha and R/V Pacific Storm. More details about these vessels are provided below. We appreciate proposer’s flexibility during the transition to the R/V Taani and look forward to the outstanding capabilities of this new state-of-the-art research vessel.
Potential areas of research include, but are not limited to:
(a) Mapping the seabed in Oregon’s territorial sea, as defined in ORS 196.405;
(b) Analyzing marine ecosystems, including but not limited to existing marine reserves, existing marine protected areas, proposed marine reserves and proposed marine protected areas;
(c) Analyzing the potential effects of climate change, including but not limited to ocean acidification;
(d) Compiling comprehensive assessments of overall ocean health;
(e) Understanding ocean dynamics, including but not limited to natural hazards such as tsunamis; and
(f) Installing instruments to effectively monitor the impact of wave energy systems, marine reserves and marine protected areas on marine ecosystems and fish populations.
Educational activities might include, but are not limited to, university-level classes about oceanographic research and/or the techniques of making oceanographic measurements at sea. Graduate students enrolled in an Oregon public 4-year university are encouraged to consider submitting a proposal as Principal Investigator and/or to serve as Chief Scientist during the approved ship days.
Proposals for ship use away from the waters of the Pacific Northwest coast, that is, those that coordinate with OSU research vessel work in other parts of the world’s oceans, may be considered, but priority will be given to research proposed for Pacific Northwest waters, with particular emphasis on waters off the Oregon coast.
A list of previous projects supported by this program is available at:
During 1 July to 31 December 2021, proposals that make use of OSU’s R/V Oceanus are welcome. At the current R/V Oceanus day rate, including a marine technician to assist in the use of shipboard scientific equipment and over-the-side operations, plus in-port charges this amounts to about 10 days of ship time per year. Given the number of ship days supported under this program and the intent to use them for a number of diverse activities, proposers are discouraged from asking for the entire allotment of ship days. Therefore, proposals for use of the R/V Oceanus should be submitted for projects that utilize up to, but not limited to, 5 days. Special circumstances may be discussed with the Chair of the Research Vessel Council (see Review Process and Further Information below).
The 177-foot R/V Oceanus is a mid-sized research vessel designed for expeditions lasting two to four weeks and accommodates a scientific party of up to 13, possibly increased by a few under special arrangements. Outfitted with three winches and a crane, the R/V Oceanus is often used for deploying oceanographic buoys and moorings and for hydrographic surveys, though it is capable of all types of chemical, biological, and geological studies.
Given the research vessel scheduling process, proposals asking for ship days in 2021 will need to fit those days into the draft R/V Oceanus 2021 schedule. Potential available days in the second half of 2021, subject to change, are in mid-August to late September, and from mid-November to the end of the year.
During 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2023, proposals that make use of OSU’s R/V Elakha and R/V Pacific Storm are welcome. Based on the day rates for these vessels, approximately 50-60 days may be available during this time period. Given the intent to use these days for a number of diverse activities, proposers are discouraged from asking for the entire allotment of ship days. A suggested target amount for an individual proposal is 5-10 days. Special circumstances may be discussed with the Chair of the Research Vessel Council (see Review Process and Further Information below).
The 54-foot R/V Elakha is a small research vessel designed for day use in coastal and estuarine waters, and has a small laboratory area, berthing for four, and a small galley. The R/V Elakha can accommodate a scientific party of up to 8 for trips less than 12 hours offshore, up to 2 for longer trips offshore where two operators will be required (limited by sleeping accommodations), and up to 13 for trips inside Yaquina Bay or other inland waters. Scientific capabilities include a 1,000-pound capacity A-frame and winch, and a flow-through water sampling system.
The 84-foot R/V Pacific Storm is a medium, steel-hulled research vessel with a 24-foot beam that is outfitted for year-round coastal service. The vessel can accommodate up to 7 people (beyond the crew) in 3 cabins for overnight and extended science missions up to 30 days duration. The R/V Pacific Storm has excellent low-speed handling and positioning. A 5-ton articulating A-frame on the stern can launch and recover small boats, moorings, and sampling equipment. Additional features include a dry-lab, knuckle boom with a 5-ton lifting capacity, and an aft deck area measuring 27’ long by 23’ wide.
Please include information about what additional resources you will bring to augment the use of the research vessel days or how the proposed work will help you leverage further study. Examples include providing specialized sampling equipment to augment the OSU research vessel’s scientific equipment, providing education and/or outreach support, or plans for using the results obtained during the state-supported ship days as a basis for seeking further support.
Who May Submit
Proposals may be submitted by Oregon state agencies and by students and faculty at Oregon public 4-year universities. Collaborative proposals with Oregon community colleges or other educational entities, but led and submitted by Oregon state agencies or students and faculty at Oregon public 4-year universities are encouraged.
Proposal Format
Proposals should be a maximum of 5 pages including a 1-page Curriculum Vitae for the Principal Investigator. Appendices are not allowed, but use of Web URLs is allowed.
Proposals will be evaluated by the Research Vessel Council, consisting of seven members appointed by the President of Oregon State University. Members include a trained scientist with at least five years of marine research experience, one member who has expertise in marine operations or marine education, and one member from each of the following agencies: State Department of Fish and Wildlife; State Department of Geology and Mineral Industries; Department of Land Conservation and Development; and Department of Environmental Quality.
Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of the: (a) Proposal’s geographical area of study; (b) quality of the submitted management, research or educational rationale; (c) potential for leveraging future work; and (d) feasibility of accommodating the proposed work within the schedule of federally funded projects for the research vessel.
Data collected during ship days funded under this request using the R/V Oceanus general use shipboard scientific equipment (e.g., flow-through water property system, Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler, Conductivity-Temperature-Depth) will be reported to the national data archives (e.g., National Geophysical Data Center – NGDC, National Oceanographic Data Center - NODC) using the Rolling Deck to Repository system ( Other data, in particular, those obtained using equipment supplied by the Principal Investigator, remain the property of the Principal Investigator although the Principal Investigator is encouraged to submit their data to appropriate national and state data archives.
The Principal Investigators selected under this announcement shall provide a summary of the research, scholarly findings and educational and outreach activities conducted using the allotted ship days to the Research Vessel Council no later than the first of September following the end
of Oregon fiscal year during which they sailed (1 September 2024 for cruises between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024; 1 September 2025 for cruises between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2025). Please include a list of all persons sailing aboard the OSU research vessels or directly benefiting from the proposed activities, including their affiliation and role. These summaries may be sent to the Chair of the Research Vessel Council whose contact information appears below.
- For further information about the proposal process, questions about eligibility or suitability of potential proposals for use of OSU research vessels, please contact Research Vessel Council Chair Jack Barth (1-541-737-1607, [email protected]).
- For questions about OSU research vessel operational capabilities and availability of the R/V Elakha and the R/V Taani please contact OSU Marine Superintendent Kaya Johnson (1-541-867-0225, [email protected]).
- For questions about OSU research vessel operational capabilities and availability of the R/V Pacific Storm please contact Barb Lagerquist (1-541-867-0322, [email protected]).
- For questions about the capabilities of OSU’s research vessels’ scientific equipment and remote presence, capabilities please contact OSU Marine Technician Superintendent Andrew Woogen (1-541-737-4622, [email protected]).
During 1 July 2023 to 30 December 2024, proposals that make use of OSU’s R/V Elakha and R/V Pacific Storm are welcome. Based on the day rates for these vessels, approximately 50-60 days may be available during this time period. Given the intent to use these days for a number of diverse activities, proposers are discouraged from asking for the entire allotment of ship days. A suggested target amount for an individual proposal is 5-10 days. Special circumstances may be discussed with the Chair of the Research Vessel Council (see Review Process and Further Information below).
The 54-foot R/V Elakha is a small research vessel designed for day use in coastal and estuarine waters, and has a small laboratory area, berthing for four, and a small galley. The R/V Elakha can accommodate a scientific party of up to 8 for trips less than 12 hours offshore, up to 2 for longer trips offshore where two operators will be required (limited by sleeping accommodations), and up to 13 for trips inside Yaquina Bay or other inland waters. Scientific capabilities include a 1,000-pound capacity A-frame and winch, and a flow-through water sampling system. For further information about the R/V Elakha capabilities, please see .
The 84-foot R/V Pacific Storm is a medium, steel-hulled research vessel with a 24-foot beam that is outfitted for year-round coastal service. The vessel can accommodate up to 7 people (beyond the crew) in 3 cabins for overnight and extended science missions up to 30 days duration. The R/V Pacific Storm has excellent low-speed handling and positioning. A 5-ton articulating A-frame on the stern can launch and recover small boats, moorings, and sampling equipment. Additional features include a dry-lab, flow-through thermosalinograph, satellite internet, knuckle boom with a 5-ton lifting capacity, and an aft deck area measuring 29’ long by 22’ wide. For further information about the R/V Pacific Storm capabilities, please see .
Proposals for work from 1 January to 30 June 2025
During 1 January to 30 June 2025, proposals that make use of OSU’s R/V Taani are welcome. However, we request that successful applicants be prepared to consider alternative approaches should there be further delay in the start of the R/V Taani’s service. If further delay occurs, we will work with successful applicants to get their projects to sea.
At the projected R/V Taani day rate, including a marine technician to assist in the use of shipboard scientific equipment and over-the-side operations plus in-port charges, the number of days of ship time able to be supported will be limited. Therefore, proposals for use of the R/V Taani should be submitted for projects that utilize up to, but not limited to, 5 days. Special circumstances may be discussed with the Chair of the Research Vessel Council (see Review Process and Further Information below).
The 199-foot R/V Taani is a Regional Class Research Vessel designed for expeditions lasting approximately 3 weeks and accommodates a scientific party of up to 16, possibly increased by 4 more using a berthing van. Outfitted with multiple winches and a crane, the R/V Taani will be capable of deploying oceanographic buoys and moorings and for hydrographic surveys. It is also capable of all types of chemical, biological, and geological studies. For further information about the R/V Taani capabilities, please see
Given the research vessel scheduling process, proposals asking for ship days in 2025 will need to fit those days into the draft R/V Taani 2025 schedule. Proposers are encouraged to explore potential available days in the first half of 2025, subject to change, with OSU Marine Superintendent Kaya Johnson (1-541-867-0225, [email protected]).