Responsible Research Practices
Oregon State University is committed to fostering an environment that facilitates research integrity and we are obligated, as an R1 institution and recipient of federal funding, to demonstrate that this is central to our mission. As such, the Program for Responsible Research Practices provides guidance, training resources, and support for students, staff, scholars, and faculty in their efforts to maintain and model integrity in research.
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)
What it is and why it matters
- PHS issues revised regulations on research misconduct
- NIH issues new centralized resource of policies and practices for promoting responsible use of AI
Rigor, Reproducibility, Data Management and Sharing
Requirements, guidance, and resources
Research Misconduct & Detrimental Research Practices
Definitions, policies, and reporting procedures
Training Resources
RCR courses, modules, books, videos, and other instructional materials
Guidelines, sample agreements, and practices to prevent and resolve disputes
Training Requirements
Funding agency requirements for RCR training
If you would like to make an anonymous report related to any violation of ethical standards or institutional policies, we encourage you to use the Accountability & Integrity Hotline: EthicsPoint