Matching funds through the University Innovation Research Fund

 The University Innovation Research Fund (UIRF) will support grants to public universities and the Oregon Health and Science University to match competitive federal research awards, increasing the competitiveness of Oregon universities for federal research funds, leveraging federal grants that require matching funds, and supporting innovation and research capacity. Grants will be targeted in priority industries, such as advanced manufacturing, high technology, outdoor gear and apparel, health care innovation, food and beverage, and forestry and wood products.  Large collaborative grants among the universities will be one of the selection criteria we will consider to select the proposals to match.

A process for application has been established. The documents are shown below. Preference will be given to projects that can demonstrate that they will produce results/products/startups that enhance Oregon’s economy. These funds are available until allocated.

Some important additional criteria for evaluation are:

  • Amount of federal dollars that will be attracted via the project and the requested matching amount. Note that proposals that return more federal dollars per dollar of State match provided are preferred.
  • Information (and documentation) about whether or not matching funds are required by the funding agency, or whether or not matching funds will increase the possibility of receiving a positive funding decision.
  • Likelihood that proposal will have economic development benefits for Oregon.
  • Alignment with the stated priority areas, such as advanced manufacturing, high technology, outdoor gear and apparel, health care innovation, food and beverage, and forestry and wood products.
  • Likelihood that the proposal will enhance research and innovation capacity in Oregon including opportunities for student engagement
  • When possible, universities are encouraged to pursue collaborative projects with other Oregon public universities/OHSU.
The rules for the University Innovation Research Fund ($10M total) approved by Business Oregon and Oregon Innovation Council.  
Application form  
OSU Call for Submissions  


  • Submissions will be considered on a rolling basis. Note, however, that requests arriving well before the submission deadline will have an increased chance of success.

Submissions  - The submission of a concept paper package involves (as a combined pdf document):

1. Filled in one-page application form containing basic information about the project including title, federal funding solicitation information, project leaders/principal investigators, and any public and/or other collaborators

2. A short statement (up to 2 pages maximum) explicitly addressing the 6 review criteria above.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact John Sweet - -  prior to applying

Email submissions to -  with the subject heading “UIRF matching funds.”