Prior Year Events

Research Office Campus Conversations (ROCC)

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) is an important source of funding for land grant institutions such as Oregon State University; the depth and breadth of this federal agency is one in which provides opportunities to support the diverse research expertise across our campus community.  

As part of our sponsor conversation series, the October 27th Campus Conversation is intended to demystify USDA for OSU researchers. We will hear from members of the OSU faculty who have deep experience with USDA research. Panelists include: Jeff Chang, Professor, Botany and Plant Pathology; Jeff Steiner, Director, Global Hemp Innovation Center; Elizabeth Tomasino, Associate Professor, Food Science and Technology, and Tala Navab-Daneshmand, Associate Professor, Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering.

We will also discuss ways to develop and strengthen your proposals to USDA.  


Registration closed.  Please reach out to [email protected] for a copy of the recording.

In the spirit of open dialogue between the Research Office and the campus community, our second Research Office Campus Conversation of the year will be an open Q&A session. VPR Irem Tumer will be joined by members of the Research Office Leadership Team to answer your questions. Submit questions in advance when you register or bring your questions about the future of the research enterprise at Oregon State to the session. We will address as many as time allows.

Panelists:  Irem Tumer, Vice President for Research and Research Office Leadership Team

Registration closed.  Please reach out to [email protected] for a copy of the recording.

Integration of research and DEI excellence is an exciting space for Oregon State to excel in. Co-sponsored with the Office of Institutional Diversity, we invite faculty to an opening conversation about integration of diversity, equity, and inclusion in research, education, and community engagement programs.  The conversation will be a prelude to additional opportunities to reflect and develop your approach to DEI integration through workshops this spring. Registration closed.  Contact [email protected] for a copy of the recording.

Do you have an idea for a book, but are unsure that you are prepared to navigate the world of academic publishing to have your book proposal accepted? Or, if you have reached that milestone and are ready to go in a new direction, are you unsure of how to approach the next project? Maybe you are at the point in your career that you are more interested in extending your impact to reach a public audience? Our panel will discuss their own writing journeys and experience with academic publishing. We will also share some ideas for grant funding strategies to help support key phases in book development. In person attendance is strongly encouraged. Registration closed.  Contact [email protected] for a copy of the recording.

Moderated by Nicole von Germeten, Associate Dean of College of Liberal Arts/ Director of Oregon State University Center for the Humanities

Collaborating with Artists on Broader Impacts and Beyond

OSU’s new Patricia Valian Reser Center for the Creative Arts (PVRCCA) will open in 2024 with five venues, including a concert hall, black box theater, and gallery space. But the Reser Center for the Creative Arts is much more than a building. It is also a strategic commitment to support art-science and art-tech collaborations across campus. During the presentation, Reser Center for the Creative Arts staff will demystify the arts and arts integration by providing an overview of the PVRCCA’s vision for connecting artists of various creative disciplines with OSU research and researchers. We will then focus on practical ways STEM faculty can integrate arts into their research, including everything from innovative Broader Impacts projects to science-focused events and performances. You’ll leave with real-world ideas and support for getting your science in front of new audiences via conversation and collaboration with creatives in the arts and humanities. Registration closed.

This conversation is a look ahead to what research computing needs and capability will be in 2030. Join a forward-looking conversation with University IT and the Research Office. Register closed. Contact [email protected] for a copy of the recording.

New $2.6B NOAA Inflation Reduction Act Funding Opportunities

Co-sponsored by the Office for Research Advancement, CEOAS, CIMERS and Oregon Sea

As part of the Inflation Reduction Act, NOAA will be administering $2.6 billion in new federal spending in support of coastal climate resilience. This is a once-in-a-generation investment for building community and fishery resilience to climate change within the United States. The federal funding opportunities are planned for release this summer. The goal of this ROCC is to share understanding of the opportunities ahead and readying OSU’s investigators to build successful proposal teams. In short, what are we anticipating and how can we respond fast? 

Panelists: Anthony Koppers, Francis Chan, James Lerczak, Karina Nielsen

This ROCC will be followed by several Research Office IDEATE sessions in the month of July to build out the teams and flesh out the proposal plans.

In-person attendance is encouraged.   Register HERE to attend in person.   To attend via Zoom, Register HERE.

Often, transformative research relies on expensive equipment or facilities that are outside of the typical funding range of standard grant proposals. Funders are interested in whether scientific breakthroughs can be accelerated through shared infrastructure and therefore are creating larger funding mechanisms that can support these initiatives. How can you approach such an endeavor with humility, a strong vision, and enough organization, resilience, and institutional savvy to succeed? When is the right time? How might you think about involving a project, financial, or outreach manager in this type of project?  This session is recommended for anyone who is interested in seeking a large-scale infrastructure or center proposal at some point in their career. Registration opens in Fall 2023.

University Wide Ignite Events

University-wide Ignite Colloquium: Climate Change and Human Health

This Ignite Colloquium invites presentations that address complex, transdisciplinary research topics/questions related to the theme, Climate Change and Human Health. Topics include the intersection of climate science (including earth and oceanic processes), environmental factors (including nutrition, toxins, hazards and natural disasters) and human health, from local to global impact. Biotechnology, data sciences, health equity, social sciences and political processes are also consistent with this theme. The goal of the colloquium is to help connect and integrate experts from multiple disciplines to nucleate transdisciplinary research in Climate Change and Human Health.

Presenters will speak for two minutes about their research passions and expertise to spark transdisciplinary conversations. The concise, rapid-fire presentations are designed to “ignite” the audience about research ideas, stimulate thought, and promote collaborations.

Registration closed Friday, 1/27/2023.  The event was not recorded. 

Co-sponsored by Office for Research Advancement, College of Public Health and Human Sciences, Linus Pauling Institute, OCCRI, Pacific Northwest Center for Translational Health Research, ASP3IRE, and OSU PNNL Superfund Research Program.

Event resources:
Follow-Up Support from Office for Research Advancement                                                                                                                                    

The Office for Research Advancement is inviting requests for follow-up support (prospect research, ideation session facilitation, proposal project management/editing) to be provided to faculty teams who wish to move forward with grant proposals at the intersection of Climate Change and Human Health. Support may be provided directly by Office for Research Advancement staff or through a university contract with an external firm.  If requests exceed available resources, the team may be contacted for additional information.  Support will primarily be available after June 1, but large proposals (~$4M+) requiring support prior to that deadline are of interest.

Deadline:  March 24, 2023.  For more information or and to apply click here.


Better Together: Amplifying the Power of Engineering and Agriculture at OSU - February 2nd at 3:30 – 6:00 PM

A Joint College of Agricultural Sciences and College of Engineering Ignite Session & Social

MU Horizon Room

Drinks and hors d’oeuvres beginning at 5 PM.

Join the Colleges of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering for an open Ignite Session as we explore overlapping interests and connect researchers between these key colleges at OSU. Bring your curiosity and ideas to share.  All are welcome.  Registration closed.

For questions, please contact: Meghan Heineman


Ignite Colloquium on Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice in Research

The Research Office in partnership with the College of Public Health and Human Sciences and the Office of Institutional Diversity will host an Ignite Research Colloquium on May 21, 2021 from 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm to highlight faculty research and scholarship related to Social Justice. This ignite session will focus on research and scholarship that is directly related to equity, inclusion, and social justice in the US and the world, along with research activities that are carried out through an equity and social justice lens.

 Friday, May 21,  2021  - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Click here to download the program


University-Wide Ignite Research Colloquium - - Interdisciplinary Health Sciences - Friday, January 22, 2021

We are excited to announce our rescheduled university-wide Ignite.  Enjoy a fun, informal afternoon with colleagues from across the University.

COVID-19 Ignite Session - virtual with short video presentations -  Thursday, August, 27, 2020

Ignite participants recorded short  (2-3 minute) video presentations that were put on a Canvas Site.

Ignite Colloquium on Understanding the New Arctic - natural and built environments and social systems  Thursday, December 5, 2019

Hallie Ford Center 115

Ignite - Connection Session on NSF's Coasts and People Initiative - Monday, May 13, 2019

Hallie Ford Center 115

Research Office Learning Lab (ROLL) Workshops

New-to-NIH Workshop Series - Fall 2022

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) fund research and development that might help improve human health - not just in biology and medicine, but also in computation, robotics & AI, education, engineering, social sciences, physical sciences, and other areas.
This workshop series on NIH is intended to introduce the agency mission, funding opportunities, and proposal mechanisms to those new to NIH; provide hands-on feedback on proposal summaries and planning with NIH-experience PIs; and provide team-based learning and connections to NIH researchers across the university. We will also learn from members of the OSU faculty about their experiences finding, applying for, and managing NIH-funded research - and how it complements their work with other agencies, such as NSF.

Join us to learn about giving NIH funding a try for your own work, and meeting others you might partner with along the way. The 4-week workshop series will run through Fall 2022 and will include four meetings as well as moderate (~1 hour per week) outside writing and editing. Registration closed on October 3.  For more information about future workshops, contact [email protected].


Access, Belonging & Success through Integration of DEI in Research    

Format: Zoom, 3 50-minute sessions on Wednesdays during the lunch hour, April 12, 19, and 26th @ noon

This three-part workshop series, co-sponsored by Office for Institutional Diversity and Office for Research Advancement, is intended to deepen researchers' skills in planning to proactively incorporate DEI into research programs. We will explore ways to broaden access and participation, examine ways to frame equity-oriented research questions, and develop greater capacity and confidence in writing research proposals that meaningfully integrate DEI in research question, research design, analysis and reporting.  Register here  by Monday, April 10.  Registration limited to 25 participants.

Building Humanities Collaborations: Authentic, Equitable Partnerships to Address Societal Challenges

Format: Two afternoon workshops (April 21, 2-6 pm and May 5, 2-5 pm) and one hour follow-up session by appointment

This workshop is co-sponsored by the Center for the Humanities, the Office for Research Advancement, and the Patricia Valian Reser Center for the Creative Arts, and was made possible through support from the NSF-funded Center Advancing Research Impact in Society (ARIS).

Workshop Goals:

  • Build relationships with peers outside of your discipline interested in common societal challenges
  • Learn which funders are interested in the intersection of humanities, science, and technology in the context of grand societal challenges
  • Effectively communicate about a cross-disciplinary project, including writing a concept paper or book proposal
  • Gain knowledge, leadership skills, and insight from peers and senior colleagues
  • Long term: Submit a competitive grant proposal to support multi- or transdisciplinary work

Please find the application and more information here.

Research Advancement Academy

Research Advancement Academy

The Research Advancement Academy is a professional development program for faculty from across OSU to develop research leaderships skills. The goal of the Academy is to support faculty fellows successfully lead large transdisciplinary proposals & funded research programs.

We define transdisciplinary as solutions-oriented research that engages partners across disciplines and sectors to generate interdisciplinary knowledge to address critical societal challenges.

The Academy embodies themes of solutions enterprise leadership, intellectual humility, exposing implicit truths and barriers to success, and reciprocal team and partnership practices. The program consists of a series of nine workshops in Fall and Winter terms through which 20 faculty fellows will explore evidence, mindsets, tools and practices. The workshops are followed by an opportunity for fellows to apply for seed funds to pursue their solutions research and ongoing coaching and support from the Office for Research Advancement.

Nominations for Fellows will be opened Spring term. Interested faculty should reach out to [email protected] for more information.